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Question of Month: Ask Atonement from Another?


“Is it OK to request an atonement from another person?”


The short answer – in my humble view – is no. Atonement is a concept where one looks at one’s own foibles, mistakes and failings and asks forgiveness of the victim. When you ask someone for atonement, you are judging that person. Judgment, as I learned from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, is a very low vibratory emotion which lacks empathy and compassion. Even Jesus Christ taught that “take the plank out of your eye so you can see clearly the speck in your brother’s eye.” I recognize this is a tall order – it is for me as well.
It is challenging since there are times you feel wronged and need to ask for the atonement. My method is to leave judgment to the Universe. Karma always gets even, and I simply try to stay in empathy and compassion most of the time. The Dalai Lama stays in compassion 7/24. But that is hard for us mere mortals. When I have a bad hair day, as I am having right now, I will add 30 minutes more to my daily 2-hour meditation practice. This helps me stay out of judgment. Each year in the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur – “the day of atonement” – followers are encouraged to look at their failings and sins over the year, make appropriate amends and ask for forgiveness by reciting a special prayer.


Azim Khamisa

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