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Question of the Month: A Favorite Thanksgiving Day



What has been your favorite Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a time when I usually go on a week-long retreat by myself. Most of the time, I travel to the Big Island in Hawaii where I have a time-share. I completed both my first and second books there and remember the long meditations, walks and the many insights. It is primarily a silent retreat although I do talk at dinner when I am ordering food in restaurants. Breakfast and lunch are typically cooked in my condo.

Over the years I have done many such retreats and have benefited hugely from the introspection and the wisdom garnered through reviewing the experiences of the year and quietly listening to the inner guidance of spirit. Each retreat has a different quality but what is common is that deep sense of connection with the spirit. Mediation is about listening and the wisdom garnered in this retreat documented in my journal are always profound. Over this Thanksgiving I will not, sadly, be in Hawaii, but I am planning some quiet time. Looking forward to that time to be with spirit.

Azim Khamisa

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