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Question of the Month: A Time to Reflect on Nelson Mandela



What are your thoughts and memories of Nelson Mandela?


Having grown up in Africa – referred to as the Dark Continent – I was witness to much violence. In many ways the continent over the last several decades has grown darker. Nelson Mandela was the one bright light in Africa’s history and in many ways was the George Washington of Africa. He set an amazing example of selflessness and forgiveness, the latter a subject close to my heart. Mandela inspired black and white for the betterment of all community. His work along with Desmond Tutu (someone I have had the honor to meet on several occasions) will live as a legacy for many generations. I know that President Jacob Zuma’s regime and many other regimes in Africa are mired in corruption and personal gratification. But there will be future leaders who will be inspired by Mandela’s example.

He will be revered by many just as Gandhi and MLK have been. In the West his legacy must be protected and broadly documented to inspire future leaders in Africa and elsewhere to learn from the lessons he taught. I have complete confidence that Africa will emerge as a global power with its rich resources. Much of this will happen because of Mandela’s vision. While he is no longer with us physically, his spirit will shine and his legacy will last forever. May the good Lord rest his soul in eternal peace.

Azim Khamisa

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