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Question of the Month: When People Drag You Down?



If you are living at a higher frequency and someone triggers you into a lower frequency, what sort of communication can be made to that other person?
Nobody can trigger you to a lower frequency; only you can allow that. If you are habitually living in the high vibratory emotions you would be in empathy anyway. The other person may be dealing with some challenging issues, and you may happen to be in the line of fire. So cultivate empathy and say something positive, much like the example of sending a blessing rather than “flipping a finger.” Of course it is important to know the precise circumstance. If the situation is repetitive – abusive in nature – that may be another issue. In either case, it is best to always send positive, high-vibratory emotions. In this way you will automatically attract people who have the same resonance, as well as continually increase your spiritual resilience and thus have fewer times in the lower frequency emotions. It takes work and awareness, but it is worthwhile!

Azim Khamisa

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