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Musings: Time to Review Money, Taxes And Other Forms of Giving

Time to Review Money, Taxes And Other Forms of Giving    

The date April 15 marks the day in the United States when we pay our taxes. Many people are not too happy about sending so much money to the US Government, which continues to be untrusted by the majority of the American people. But the whole process of giving our hard-earned money to the government does give rise to thought-provoking ideas, many of which you, too, may have considered.

A lot of time is invested by all who complete their tax returns in collecting the W2s, K1s, 1099 and the myriad of receipts needed to validate deductions to complete the tax return. It is important to do as it supports education, welfare, medical programs, defense, homeland security, among other programs.

Personally I am not in favor of the amount of money we spend on the Department of Defense (DOD), as there is currently an effort to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace (DOP) by The Peace Alliance This agency would receive 2 percent of the budget currently allocated to the DOD which spends over $500 billion a year. This means that the DOP would receive $10 billion and would seek to develop peaceful strategies for consideration by the Administration versus the military solutions developed by the DOD. If created, the DOP would also support and promote programs like the work of TKF which is successfully teaching the principles of nonviolence and peacemaking. It is a cause worthy of supporting. Perhaps there will be a day when the allocations of funds are equal for both defense and peace.

Where we pay, spend, donate and invest our funds does indeed matter, and we are wise to look for a “return on investment” (ROI). We invest not only in money but also in time, effort and contributions. In the non-profit realm, we donate to worthy organizations that serve many of the unfortunate and disenfranchised members of our society in order to improve the quality of life. Here I want to acknowledge all the wonderful donors that help make TKF’s work possible around the world in order to save the lives of our children. Much needs to be done if we are going to successfully abate the increasing amount of violence – on our shores and abroad – that consume so many young lives every single day.

During this time of paying our taxes and balancing our books, it is important to look at reviewing our other time and effort investments within our society to determine our return on investment there. We all have an individual responsibility to create a better and more loving and compassionate society that provides safety and opportunity for our future generations. Are we consumed by the relentless pursuit of the almighty $$$, or are we fully engaged in balancing our livelihood with the work that must be done to improve society? How much money, time and effort have each one of us expended in giving back to our community, our society, our humanity?

It all comes back to us. For example, whereas I spend 25 hours a week in my philanthropic work, I have found the ROI in this work is much more attractive and uplifting than the hours I spend in corporate America.

I believe it was Albert Schweitzer who said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” My second book “From Forgiveness to Fulfillment” is all about this truth. Over the last 19 years, my work in teaching our youth and adults the principles of nonviolence, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and peacemaking has delivered huge dividends. I enjoy a quality of happiness and peace that I have never experienced before!

So as you complete your Income Tax Returns please take a few moments to do a “Community Service Return.” Look at your engagement in supporting many worthy nonprofit organizations with your time, talent and treasures. I assure you that the fulfillment you will receive form this work will substantially surpass all the other investments you make in the stock market, real estate and taxes. An icing on the cake is that all your investments in the non-profit sector are deductible and will lower your taxes. It is a win-win!

Happy tax day!

Many Blessings,

Azim N. Khamisa

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Azim Khamisa

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