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Question of the Month: What is Your Attitude in Paying Taxes?


 What is your attitude when paying income taxes? How do you stay out of resentment?


It is important to pay taxes so that our US Government can function. My issue with paying taxes is not the money, but how it is being spent. Getting engaged in changing the allocation – as attempted by The Peace Alliance – is a good way to change the dynamics of government spending. We have congressional elections coming up; look for candidates like Marianne Williamson and Amardeep Kaleka who are running on a compassionate and nonviolent platform. It may be wiser to vote for these types of candidates rather than voting for the incumbents who are not delivering the promise of a better society and global culture. To create impact and transformation, we desperately need to shift public policy. While difficult to do, it can be done by getting involved with the right causes and voting in the right candidates. Therefor it won’t be about taxes being paid, but about the right leadership using the taxes in the highest manner.

Azim Khamisa

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