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Question of the Month: Still Learning Lessons as Father?


What are you still learning as a father / grandfather?


Over the years there have been many lessons. One of the biggest lessons is to learn patience. Children can be very challenging, and there are times when the tendency is to judge, punish and scream rather than teach. However – it is important to develop that empathy. Think about what kids are doing at certain ages: “terrible twos” and “rebellious teenagers.” These are the same things we were doing when we were at a similar age. I have a neighbor who is a college professor and a mother. She once said “What American teenagers – especially boys – do between the ages of 15 and 21. It is a miracle that they are still alive at 21.” So with patience, understanding and empathy, a parent is able to better navigate the challenges that children pose. One perspective that I continuously try to remember is they are indeed our teachers. Let us follow Rumi’s advice: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

Azim Khamisa

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