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Question of the Month: What Do You Want for the Readers?


What is your deepest desire for your audience to gather from these newsletters?

My deepest desire is to endorse a peaceful civil society that is void of violence. It takes one soul at a time. So I am hoping that my newsletters inspire people to become peace activists. Knowing that my newsletters do get forwarded at times, I am hopeful to build a very large international force of nonviolent “Champions For Peace.” We need 1,000 Gandhi’s and MLK’s if we are going to turn our world around from its current state of affairs.

How can my readers get engaged in the process? Here are some suggestions:
  1. Practice the principles of nonviolence at home, at work and in your communities.
  2. Spread the word around by forwarding these newsletters and adding your own commitment to being a peacemaker.
  3. Write articles and op-ed pieces for your local media.
  4. Write to your congressional representative to vote for a Department of Peace at the cabinet level (
  5. Create “Champions of Peace” groups in your communities – let us know and we can include you in our efforts to create such circles.
  6. Give talks in your communities at civic meetings, schools, universities, spiritual venues … everywhere.
  7. Everyday find something to advance these goals.
  8. Forgive someone with whom you are holding a grudge.
  9. Forgive yourself.
  10. Hold to the highest vision of peace.
Getting to a peaceful society is a proactive effort. We must engage and get others to engage so that we get to the “tipping” point where more want peace than violence and wars. I have committed my life to this work and will support all efforts that move us forward.

Azim Khamisa

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