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Question of the Month: What was the most intense part?


 What was the most intense part of your trip to Australia?


Tragedies happen everywhere. I feel honored that I can use my personal experience to help and guide others through their own tragedies.

While in Australia, I met a mother of two little boys, aged four and two. She was happily married to her husband of seven years when, under enormous pressures, mental illness and a newly introduced medication, he suffered a psychotic episode at which time he took the life of their much-loved 4-year-old son. The mother claims the man had, until that morning, always been a loving, gentle and kind husband and father. Their local community and friends have gathered around the family to help them through this time.This tragedy occurred only in July of this year, and the husband and father remains detained in a Mental Health facility. The case is under investigation and work is being carried out to try to determine what went so terribly wrong.

I was able to spend a few hours one-on-one with the mother, and we were able to share stories and experiences.

Nature is where I spent a good portion of my time in the immediate aftermath of Tariq’s death. I was amazed at the grace and how this mother has accepted this tragedy, staying centered. It must be an incredibly difficult and painful process. However – she is drawing good strength from the spirit. She and I shared some of the same emotions, and I shared my own lessons found in my books. Amazingly – even in these early days – she does see a “bigger picture” in life. I know that something beautiful will manifest in her child’s memory, and many other young souls will benefit from this work much like TKF is doing in Tariq’s memory.

There will be more in a future newsletter, when my new good friend will share her story and experiences with you.

Azim Khamisa

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