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Question of the Month: On Veterans Day, A Thought?


 “What are your thoughts regarding the veterans of our nation on this day?”

I am very saddened that 22 veterans commit suicide every day. On this Veterans Day first and foremost let us pray for the souls of these men and women so that the good Lord rests their souls in eternal peace. Let us also pray earnestly for their families so they may have the strength to continue in the absence of their loved ones.

Veterans need much more help. They need to be acknowledged as the heroes of our society. These men and women often give their lives for our security and suffer much in the aftermath of their assignments. I believe there needs to be substantially more effort in helping and caring for them in a meaningful way.

I have often wondered how to bring my message of self-forgiveness to the veterans. This is important for them to learn and could potentially save the lives of many. However I have no connections into the military. If any of my readers have access to the military I would be happy to bring my work to the veterans. I do believe it has relevance to veterans who may be suffering as a result of the violence they experienced and perpetrated in the line of duty. This is a hard subject to breech, but it can not hurt to put out the invitation to those who may be suffering. Relief should be make available to anyone who suffers. Today will be spent in prayer for all the veterans and their families. They deserve our prayers and utmost gratitude.

Azim Khamisa

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