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Blog: Healing in Hawaii at International Conference

Here at the conference for the Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT), I did a 2-day Train the Trainer workshop where we had 8 participants – most all were MFTs and PhDs working in the arenas of psychology and therapy. It was one of the most powerful workshops. It gets better. I try to keep the number of participates to no more than 14, but I am considering to reduce it to 10 – as this is intensive and a very deep dive in the act of forgiving people, both those who have harmed you and forgiving yourself for the harm you have caused. We all have stories – of what has been done to us and what we have done to others.

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At the conference I did two more presentations. One was to act as facilitator and commenter for a documentary on forgiveness. Interestingly I knew most of the players in the documentary. I also participated in the opening plenary with some of the leaders in Hawaii.

Finally I was invited to participate in Sufi Dancing on Saturday night with Joy Quick! I loved it – as a Sufi I was impressed with the Sufi community dancing and singing devotional songs. It was a great night, and a perfect way to complete a wonderfully rich experience at the IVAT conference.

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Azim Khamisa

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