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Blog: Bringing Peace Principles to 1200 at PTA Convention

ptaKidOn June 27 in Charlotte, North Carolina, it was my honor to be among parents, teachers, children, PTA Board and staff and other US and global affiliates. Over 1200 people attended the National PTA convention, where I had the joy of delivering the opening plenary.

I spoke on the idea of teaching principles of nonviolence to students and the concept of collaborating the PTA with programs I have created.

Screen shot 2015-04-09 at 10.14.06 PMIn the wake of the tragedy in Charleston, a few miles away, the long lasting memory will be the importance and urgency of this work to eliminate violence. We can do so by healing race relations and passing sensible gun laws and more importantly teaching the importance of the practice of nonviolence in every individual’s life – young and old.

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Azim Khamisa

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