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Musings: The Year 2016 – It Has a Good Vibe

I just received an inspiring e-mail from Amy Benz who works at IONS (, a great organization that studies consciousness and on  whose Board I am proud to serve. Here is what Amy sent:

Happy New Year, Azim! 
I LOVE the even years, round and welcoming. Less so the odd years, so jagged :-). We are ready to transform – I feel it – in great strides this year – the courage is there.
       xx Amy

Interestingly I was feeling the same vibe as Amy.
I feel this, and this feeling opens my mind to consider some large-scale visions for a better world … visions in which you will be able to participate.
I feel this, even in the face of much tragedy taking place around the globe.

I feel this, even though we as a society have suffered through many years of a tough economy since the crash of 2008.

Due to the hard-working resilient American people, some good fortune, as well as some brilliant wisdom from Federal Reserve Bank called “quantitative easing” (Many pundits forecasted dire consequences from this, though NONE manifested), we now have a strong economy. From everything I have read, most economists believe 2016 will continue to be a strong year for the United States.

This bodes well for all of us here and around the world, as the US is a big part of the engine that propels our societies forward.

The year 2015 was a good one for me – I slowed down a little from 2014 – as I had written in my newsletter in January 2015. In 2014 I spent 177 days on the road with over 107 presentations in the US, Australia, Europe and Canada. In 2015 it was 152 days on the road.

So still a busy year but a good one. I am not complaining, as I am fortunate to be often in front of students of all ages teaching the principles of nonviolence, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and peacemaking. The work is very rewarding as the students are always attentive, welcoming and absorbed in the message I often share with them. Many write back as to how the message impacted them. Here are a couple examples:
When I was listening to him, I was thinking about an old friend. We had a falling out a few years ago and neither of us were ready to forgive one another. In hearing Mr. Khamisa’s story, it really encouraged me to reach out to my friend and forget the petty thing we had been holding grudges over. I came to the realization that life is too short and it truly is not worth it to stress over small things. If Mr. Khamisa could forgive and love someone who did something terrible to him, then I can certainly forgive an old friend.
~ Kyra

My favorite part of Mr. Khamisa’s presentation was his gentle spirit. The entire class felt like a wave of peacefulness washed over us when he was in the room. I liked that he brought to our awareness that violence is very much a learned behavior so non-violence can also be learned; we just have to teach it. I liked that I felt like I could go out and help change the world-and I can, just starting with myself. I can practice non-violence and self-forgiveness and show people, as Mr. Khamisa did, that once you do it for yourself you will experience a more satisfying life. The line that stuck with me the most from his presentation was “spirit is mightier than intellect and emotion.” I do agree with him, everything starts from what’s within you. You, yourself have to make changes in your life to be happy and at peace.
~ Samantha 

Over the years I now have a portfolio of over 200,000 student letters, each written from the heart. This gives me much hope that we are spawning leaders who will practice these important principles of nonviolence – in other words more Gandhis, MLKs and Malalas! Indeed with the devastating violence in the world today we are going to need several thousand such leaders to create a more peaceful world.

So what are your plans for 2016? Are you inspired to do more this year to make our world a better place – a place where our children can grow up in peace, with opportunities to flourish, get involved in service, and diligently work towards a world that works for all?
For me, having done this work for over 20 years and seeing that it always works in every talk, keynote and workshop I have conducted, I am now more inspired to substantially increase the footprint of my forgiveness work worldwide. And this includes places such as the war-torn Middle East. This year I will be conducting Train-The-Trainer (TTT) Forgiveness workshops
  • Later this month at LMU in Los Angeles
  • In March in Hawaii
  • In the fall possible international workshops
The idea behind the TTT workshop is to train more professionals who can then go out and support more and more people in being forgiving, the result of which will be, ultimately as the ripples have their effect, a peaceful world. The ultimate outcome of forgiveness is peace as chronicled in my trilogy:
As a result of increased violence in the Middle East, the refugee crises, the increase of mass killings plus the recent murders in Paris and San Bernardino, I have been seriously meditating and praying for many months for guidance from the Universe as to the next big chapter in my life. It was finally unveiled to me recently in my daily practice of meditation. Yes it is what some may term “bold.”

To teach 1 billion people the 3 steps I used to forgive the person who murdered my son and the 4 steps of how to forgive oneself that I have learned observing my son’s killer, so we may have a peaceful world.

I say steps, but they are more milestones! The main point is I want to make here is that THE STEPS WORK! THEY WORKED FOR ME AND MANY MORE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED MY TALKS AND WORKSHOPS!

I don’t have a clue how to reach 1 billion people, but I have started to research this BOLD effort (as seen in Peter H. Diamandis’ and Steven Kotler’s book “Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World”) – or what is sometimes referred in the business world as a BHAG – “a bold, hairy audacious goal.”
Of course with the advent of the Internet this goal is possible today. I know many who read my newsletter are very savvy and accomplished caring people and hopefully will relate to this goal! The reason I mention this is because I need help, ideas and partners to achieve this worthwhile goal. Maybe will need an army of peaceful emissaries.

The idea is at an embryonic stage, and over the next several months I will be working – hopefully with many of you – to put together a viable strategy to pursue and implement this vision. So please if this is something that inspires you, and if you have some ideas or suggestions please weigh in, get involved and let me know your thoughts.

Everything starts with a vision – TKF was created with such a vision: that violence is a learned behavior therefore it follows that nonviolence can also be a learned behavior. TKF last October celebrated its 20th anniversary and is diligent about teaching these principles to students. It is doing so with much success. The vision now needs to get bigger, and it is my sincere hope and prayer that many will join in this effort. There is much to be done – this is our ONLY planet, and it deserves our reverence, gratitude and respect.
I know the planet is crying loudly for peace! Let us respond to the call.
Wishing all of you wonderful people a joyous, prosperous, healthy, peaceful and a blessed 2016.
Best Wishes,
Azim Khamisa
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Azim Khamisa

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