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Rotary Club of Los Angeles – Starting with Awareness

On June 10 I had the honor to speak before the The California Club LA Rotary to about 150 people.

It starts with awareness about peacemaking, and I was pleased that I was able to share with the audience the serious challenges of youth violence but also to offer a solution. The highlight was that the message was very well received and the response was enthusiastic. In fact, below is a message from the VP of the LA Rotary:

Dear Azim,
I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you. I explained to him that I had to dash out for a recital by my daughter’s school so I wasn’t able to properly say goodbye. You were WONDERFUL.  I can honestly tell you that our club gives very few standing ovations to our speakers and you received a full long standing O today at LA5. Several people asked me since the event, what can we do to bring this program to LA.  


Erick Weiss
Incoming Vice President & Program Chair, Rotary LA5 2016-2017
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Azim Khamisa

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