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Elie Wiesel – The World Has Lost Another Great Soul


The news came today that Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel winner, passed away.

The world has lost another great soul. I had the privilege to meet him and be highlighted along with him in a documentary called “The Power of Forgiveness,” which featured his journey as a Nobel Prize laureate and a Holocaust survivor as well as my journey in the aftermath of tragically losing my son Tariq. I have learned much from Elie’s wise sage; one of my favorite quotes from him is “Whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation, take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

No matter the trauma or tragedy, the important key is to act and get engaged. My choice was to act with empathy, compassion and forgiveness while promote peacemaking. That was the right choice for me 21 years ago!

As we celebrate our freedom on Independence Day – let us be reminded of our roles as peacemakers, especially in the wake of untold violence. How we react and the leaders we elect will determine the next several decades. It is important to choose wisely.

My prayers and gratitude are with you and our troops – we are fortunate to enjoy the freedom in our country that many of our brothers and sisters are deprived elsewhere.



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Azim Khamisa

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