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Musings: When Did We Lose the “Truth?”

Typically, my December newsletter recaps the year in review. Over time, these have always captured full and meaningful accomplishments with the grace of the Universal Spirit: 
  • Reaching thousands of youth in educating them on the principles of nonviolence in the United States and internationally and birthing new generation of peacemaker leaders.
  • Reaching adults who learn how forgiveness leads them to peace and inspiring them to be proactive in promoting these principles in their communities as peace-builders!
However – with the shocks still reverberating after the election and following the discussions I have had with so many friends and audience members, I felt that it was important to address these times in this newsletter, as we start the transition to a very different Government Administration in little over a month!

As I meditate and reflect on the election and see the USA and the rest of the world moving toward a populist, strong-man, right-wing politics, I ask myself “Is democracy dead?” No doubt there is a tremendous amount of pressure on democracy and its principles. And I do believe we are entering a new era of politics not only in USA but also in the world. My own prognosis is that many in the USA were not happy with either of the candidates but really did not have a viable third option. So, either they did not vote, or voted with the party or candidate they felt was the least of the worst.

The one glaring fact is that not much truth was spoken by the candidates, the media and the pundits who collectively continued to spin the stories to feed their personal agendas. I am not much of a TV watcher but every Sunday I do watch Fareed Zakaria – the host of GPS (Global Public Square) – as I see him as a voice of reason in our country and someone who does speak the truth. Also when he does make a mistake, he takes responsibility. How refreshing?

In one of Fareed’s recent interviews with comedian Bill Maher while he was in Los Angeles, Bill commented: “Politicians lie about 30 percent of the time – Hillary lies 26 percent of the time so that is par-for-the-course … and Trump lies 80 percent of the time.” I was shocked to hear this demoralizing statistic. When did we as a country accept that it was OK to lie? What kind of a message are we sending to our children and youth when people in the highest offices in our country – meant to be exemplary role models of ethical and moral behaviors – promote that it is OK to lie to get what you want?

This is a society on a downward spiral. It will no doubt crash, as the Universe does not support lies or actions that are not in integrity and for the highest good for all involved. As Lord Jesus Christ taught us: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32

I don’t know about you but one of my biggest pet peeves is to be lied to! When you are being lied to, it is not difficult to know that the body language of a liar does not conform to the words coming out of his or her month. However at some level we all lie, as society has conditioned us that it is permissible to lie, even if these are “white lies.”

Well, I believe it is not OK; even white lies mean that you are reinforcing your psyche that it is all right to lie. While I am nowhere near perfect, I work hard always to speak the truth. Blessed with a poor memory, I have found that if you speak the truth you do not need to rely on a stellar memory.

In a recent visit to my 86-year-old Mum, whom I had not seen for 18 months, I felt a little torn since I also felt I needed to visit the wife of a dear friend who had recently passed. I only had five days and she lived some distance away so I decided to call her instead. My Mum’s advice was let her know that I was only in town for two days and not five days so I didn’t hurt her feelings. I made the call in front of my Mum and told my friend the truth that I only had five days and wanted to spend them with my Mum. I told her I also wanted to at least reach out to her by telephone to extend my condolences and prayers for her loss. I promised that the next time I was traveling, I would visit her personally. She felt the sincerity in my voice (as did my Mum) and was totally fine and appreciative that I had taken the time to call her.

In other words, when people hear the truth – they get it at a deep level that resonates with the spirit. That is what Jesus Christ was trying to tell us in the above quote. Equally, when they hear a lie it promotes a feeling of disappointment, distrust and sadness.

So, what does that mean in terms of where we are as a society in the aftermath of one of the most divisive elections the country has ever faced?

Here is my take:

Following one of the most intense and divisive Presidential campaigns in history, the final result was a victory for the GOP candidate Donald Trump over the favored Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton. The response since that November 8 election has been just as intense from some: a number of riots, protests, a social media explosion that carried both angry and sad commentary. From the other side of the political arena, those supporting a Trump presidency have their own uplifted sentiments as well as continued criticism of the Democratic Party nominee. These highly charged and divisive sentiments continue to persist as we make the transition.

The Republican Party and the Democratic Party have become vastly similar and have succumbed to the glory of the almighty dollar. With due respect to the Presidential candidates, Donald Trump’s issues included blatantly unethical practices in business viz a viz the casino bankruptcies and the Trump University, whereas Hilary Clinton had questionable donations to the Clinton Foundation (although they have done some excellent work in the world) and her fees of $250,000 for a speech to Wall Street. Both of these unfortunate examples demonstrate that both parties have degenerated to license.

The Democratic Party was originally built to protect the working stiffs like most of us. Somehow, they have forgotten their constituency and, like the Republican Party, cater to the wealthy who are focused on the almighty $. I recognize that Trump has made some serious promises to the not so wealthy and dispersed workers like the coal miners but that has not been the rhetoric of the past Republican voice and it will be, in my humble opinion, be very difficult to go backwards. We must be forward looking as the past indeed is responsible in getting us where we are – a highly divisive, confused and a troubled society.

Maybe it is time for a third party – let us call it the CENTER TRUTH PARTY – a party that can add a third and an important voice to the current politics, somehow mitigating the destructive charges and innuendos made to each other by the two dominant parties. As a good friend of mine Michael Nagler wisely commented, “As long as we only have two parties it is going to be a football match.” Many countries have more than two dominant parties, which often forces the parties to form coalitions and compromises that lead to better solutions and a commitment to working towards a compassionate peaceful world that works for everyone. This would essentially have the third party play the role of a middle child – often whose job is to maintain peace in the family. As a middle child myself, I do get this concept, and I am certain many of you who are middle children will relate.

I agree this is a far-out long-term strategy, but I do see that politics as usual does not work. We live in a time of a major transition, and we need a truthful voice out there that can put our country and the world in an upward spiral. I strongly believe that truth is the best strategy!

Gandhi created the movement called “Satyagraha” and won the independence of India from the mighty British Empire without firing a bullet. Satya means “truth,” and “Graha” means a strong adherence and commitment to truth. Besides Jesus Christ and Gandhi, we have seen other examples of this in Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., JFK, Bobbie Kennedy and others. Sadly all were killed for speaking the truth! Does this justify lying? Or should this create a stronger inspiration and commitment in us to build a society that values truth?

Your thoughts? … Your truth?

May your holiday season be filled with truth, love, light, peace and joy, and may 2017 bring forth abundant blessings in all areas of your life


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Azim Khamisa

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