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Question of the Month: Thoughts About the Holidays In These Times

What Are Your Thoughts about the Holidays During This Challenging Time?

The holidays are a time for celebration, reflection, family, friends and setting goals for 2017. For some, the holidays can be stressful especially in families that are divided with the recent Presidential election. As I had written before, looking through the spiritual lens I believe there is a Divine order to all that happens.

Trusting and having faith in this view will help us accept reality knowing that however this turns out, there will be better times for us in the future. Often the pendulum needs to vacillate to one extreme before it settles in the center. During the next four years I see a lot of challenging times and major shifts of beliefs and values … but I also see this disruption as a precursor of a new emerging paradigm – much like the phoenix rising from its ashes. We all vacillate from confusion to clarity. It is being in confusion and through deep introspection and analysis we are able to get to clarity. In other words, the confusion one feels is the precursor to clarity. Yes I agree that the confusion sometimes in transitions can be very painful. However, as Rumi says, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

Have faith during the holidays and beyond that the resilience of the American people with the Universe’s grace will manifest better times. So enjoy and celebrate the holidays irrespective of the current issues by staying focused on the times ahead. It is a good time of the year to do that!

How will you engage in the world in 2017 and beyond? There is so much opportunity so “carpe diem.”

Azim Khamisa

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