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Musings: How Do You Find Your Spiritual Purpose?

I believe we all have a spiritual purpose and a spiritual journey. Now the question is do you know your path and how can you tell if you are on it?

As eloquently taught to us by one of my favorite mythologist Joseph Campbell, “If you see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take.” This tells me that the Universe is continuing to give you clues about whether you are on your spiritual path or have wavered. We were blessed with free choice so we make many choices every day, and I believe that if our choices are in concert with Universal Laws then the Universe supports us, thus validating that we are traveling on our path.

So, what are the Universal Laws? From the scriptures, Galatians 5:22:23 we read: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

In addition, I believe truth, gratitude, empathy, charity, compassion, forgiveness and service are the attributes that are supported by the Universal Spirit. Another simple way to remember this is to think of the acronym “HAIL” (something I learned from a TED Talk), which stands for living Honestly, Authentically, with Integrity while being Loving.
In my own life, I continuously get validation as I enjoy a “perpetual tailwind” moving me forward when I am on my spiritual purpose and journey. Even the hardest tasks are easy to accomplish when you live and honor the quintessential Spiritual Laws that have been with us from the time of Adam and Eve. These laws are consistent and never changing and have been taught by all faiths, sages, prophets, avatars and deities since the beginning of time. Although hard and challenging for our own spiritual growth and enlightenment, I believe every soul must – through individual experiences and outcomes – learn to align their daily living and every moment to be in concert with these laws. As we know – you cannot fight Universal Laws, nature or gravity!
In contrast, when we are not abiding and living in the purity of the Universal Laws – something that is very difficult for us mortals to do 24/7 – our lives do not flow the same. Here, often even the simplest tasks are hard to accomplish, and we find ourselves fighting against a headwind. We are reminded by the Universe when we are out of alignment via the hard hits we all suffer at some point in our life. These hard hits or tough times are the Universe’s way to get our attention regarding the choices we are making and nudging us towards our true path.

So how do you navigate living within these Universal Laws on a daily basis, and what do you do when you find that you are not in alignment or violating these laws?

The one thing that has helped me? When I do get a hard hit or a slap from the Universe I don’t say, “Why Me?” That is a victim mentality and there is no growth there. The question I ask is: “Why did I attract this to me?” I believe that all that happens to us we attract. Why? Because this is the way the Universe shapes us and nudges us to find our spiritual purpose and journey.

When you pose the question “Why did I attract this to me,” you get very different answers that promote your growth and spiritual resiliency. It also allows you to do a sanity check and see if you are truly in alignment of the Universal Laws. If not, this awareness helps you tweak your choices, attitude and path so that you are in the flow. It takes time and purity of mind. The more you practice living with the light and guidance provided by these timeless laws, the more time you will spend being happy, in peace and in the flow!


It is worth developing this awareness. I find it helpful to do this every morning in my meditation before starting my day and after reading some inspirational literature. While my life is not perfect, I am spending more time in peace, happiness and in the flow of my life.

The reward is a perpetual tailwind!
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Azim Khamisa

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