Many poets, philosophers, pundits, songwriters, clergy and brilliant people have tackled the challenge to explain and define “love.” It is a universal force and maybe the reason there is integrity and divine order in the universe. Think about it – it is because of the integrity of stars and planets that we have come to appreciate constellations as every star and planet at any given time is in the right place and has been so for millions of years.
However, I turned to the Daily Word prompted by this question and to find the inspiration on love. Here is what the Daily Word shared:
“Like a single ray of light becomes a rainbow when passed through a prism, love exists in a variety of expressions in my life. Jesus, the master teacher, often directed us to love in every situation. Knowing that God (or Spirit) is everywhere present – around me, within me and as me – I embrace every opportunity to be divine love in expression. By approaching nature, I am expressing love. In quite contemplation and in joyous singing, I express love. In relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and unfamiliar sisters and brothers around the world, I express love. In my work, my play and creativity, my service to others, and my worship, I express love. Love exists as multiple expressions in my life.”
And from Mark 12:30: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
These higher visions of love can exist anywhere … I imagine even within romantic relationships. Perhaps there, it is the most challenging to maintain it. And it is there – for the ultimate sake of awakening and enlightenment – we must find it.