It has been a very full year already with many memorable events. I am honored to have been featured in several international interviews and media coverage with two major articles in the
Washington Post and
Huffington Post.
Notably, I was featured in a news documentary published on Valentine’s Day – which marked the 1
st anniversary of the Parkland FL tragedy, a brilliant Podcast by Mervyn Deganos on Restorative Justice and most recently a
BBC interview that went to 75 million viewers around the world.
In addition, I have given many memorable talks as keynote including the talk at the National School Foundation Conference on 2/12 with the theme of Charting your Course for Success.
A remarkable keynote was held at the Compassion In the City Conference on 2/18 in Pomona. This event featured one of the most inclusive audiences that I have ever spoken to where public agencies, nonprofits organizations, and the interfaith community came together. Since my talk, I have participated in many more meetings with the Pomona leadership in exploring how the city can adopt a restorative practice approach in all of its services.
In April, I attended another unforgettable seminar at the Milan FCI federal prison close to Detroit for inmates that are participating in the Life Connection Program. This program offered in federal prisons is a spiritual program run under the auspices of the Chaplin and is showing amazing results. Jon Cooper, the Chaplin, the spiritual advisers, and the inmates were visibly moved by my testimony and sharing the tools of self-forgiveness (more about this program in a future newsletter).