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Question of the Month: How Do We Connect in a Time of Dis-Connect?

In the pandemic world, we are fortunate to have technology that can help us connect not only with our family and friends through social media but to a much larger pool of subject matter experts worldwide. With the internet and technologies like Zoom and other group sharing programs, we can be connected to a support group or an expert in a distant part of our world for relatively little cost. The idea of a “virtual conference” might sound foreign at first, but the space we create is uniquely intimate and quite successful in connection.
In my first workshop, I had participants from Canada, Germany, and different places around the United States. By participating in webinars and online workshops you meet new people that bring their own experiences and offer authentic shares to create new and miraculous insights in the group dynamic. There is a certain magic in my workshops that occurs in the coming together of like-minded otherwise strangers; the entire group leaves with a feeling of soul tribe connection and inspiration.
Another way to stay connected is to tap into what is happening at the global level. One of the most important Jewish holidays (and one of my favorites!) is Yom Kippur – the day of atonement. This year it falls on September 28th the day before my 4-day master class.
Jewish people on this day look at the year and are encouraged to make the necessary amends on their infractions and work on atonement. The 25-hour period starts on Sunday, September 27th and ends on Monday, September 28th at nightfall. On this day, Jews worldwide will be in prayer, often fasting, and in deep reflection of their lives. I planned my workshop to follow this auspicious day, so that we can join along with the collective energy of self-healing and forgiveness.
This need for self-forgiveness is an important human need as is the need to forgive people that have harmed you. Forgiveness is so much harder than it seems, which is why I have made my life’s mission teaching the mastery of something I was handed from the Universe.
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