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Take What You Need: Hope

Monthly Musing: 2021 – The Year of Hope, Service, and Purpose

Having negotiated a difficult 2020, it is essential to start 2021 with a different attitude. An attitude of HOPE. Hope for a better world – one that is inclusive, compassionate, and in service of each other and humanity as a whole. One of the single and most profound attributes of America is that it is a bastion of hope. Many immigrants (myself included) came to America because it offers the hope of creating a meaningful life through hard work and dedication.
America offers this better than most countries that are mired sometimes in tradition, oppressive governments, culture, class distinctions, ethnic cleansing, or other constraints. A reason America has built one of the most powerful, richest nations in the world in a short 245 years, is because of its commitment to allow each and every person the hope of pursuing happiness, freedom, and individual liberties. While there are challenges, it is with hope and hard work, we can surmount the tough times in our lives and look to a better future.
Hope is a powerful thing. It inspires us to do the impossible and helps us carry on during difficult times. Having hope is the first step to living a meaningful life, but I believe that discovering your spiritual purpose is truly what makes a life full of joy and peace. Read on to utilize a hopeful start to the year as a way to connect with your life’s mission of discovering your spiritual purpose.
“Courage is like love; it must have hope for nourishment.”
– Napoleon Bonaparte
2021: The Year of Hope, Service, and Purpose
As I mused about in December, a lot of good things have surfaced as a result of COVID-19 and many of us are inspired to look at the important attributes of our lives. It has been a seminal time for progress in science and a major breather for mother earth. As we enter 2021, what has changed for you as a result of COVID-19 and 2020’s surprises? How much of this new, better-you will sustain? There have been many gifts that have come our way as a result of having to shelter at home and take unprecedented precautions.
Much has been written about this on the internet. I am certain you have your own list of insights you can carry forward. Focus on the good things more than the negative things and find hope in your heart for more of the good to flourish.There were two major insights I gained during this period, which I am called to share as a part of my purpose to spread peace and to create more peaceful communities:
1) It has become blatantly clear that our lives depend on others and therefore it is essential to be in service to our brothers and sisters and to generously give of our time, treasures, and talent. I salute our frontline workers who have unselfishly served the stricken patients and often sacrificed their lives in the process. This is one example of service and compassion for all of us to take away as we move to a new normal.
While my life has been one of service (especially for our youth), I do plan to expand my work for teachers and parents. They are caretakers and have a lot of influence on our young souls but also need nurturing and support. I have not done enough of that yet. Through the Tariq Khamisa Foundation Safe School Model, we have developed 4 separate programs for our youth and have recently added additional programs for parents and teachers. The social-emotional support for these caregivers, especially in light of COVID-19, is critical and needed.
2) Another truth that became clear to me during the pandemic is that there is a distinction between purpose and mission. As we review the year behind us and make new year resolutions, let us remind ourselves of this distinction. We are all born with a spiritual purpose and part of our mission in life is to discover it. Our spiritual purpose propels us towards enlightenment or union with pure consciousness.
My spiritual purpose was to bring forgiveness to the world and create social change – I discovered that in my tragedy. So now what I am realizing is that we are born with a unique spiritual purpose – a life footprint and the mission in life is to discover what it is. We discover it through nudges from the Universe. Why nudges? Because God gave us free will, so we must discover this through our experiences (nudges) like when I had to choose between forgiveness and revenge. Luckily I made the right choice and am now fulfilling my life’s spiritual purpose. Once you are on it – you are happy, healthy, peaceful, blessed, resilient, joyful, and no longer in confusion, pain, or suffering.
Why is it important to discover your spiritual purpose? First and foremost, when you are living your spiritual purpose the Universe is your partner. You have a perpetual tailwind and the road rises to meet you. When you are happy, healthy, and in the flow of life, your life is fulfilling, meaningful, and supported. You feel blessed and hopeful as you work in your specific communities serving the needy and making valuable contributions. You can be a role model for youth and a mentor for your communities. These are characteristics of a worthy life. In turn, the more you serve others, the happier and more meaningful your life will become. You will likely continue to learn more about your purpose and passion as you move forward and evolve. I can speak to this through experience as my work continues to transform to reach more and more people in new ways every year.
One of my favorite quotes that you have encountered many times in my musings reiterates this belief perfectly, which is perhaps why it resonates with me so deeply throughout the years. “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”
– Albert Schweitzer
As for COVID-19, we are not out of the woods yet as the numbers are rising around the world, so please be extra cautious and stay safe, healthy, and hopeful. We will get out of this, hopefully soon. My very best to all for a healthy, happy, prosperous, peaceful, blessed, and hopeful 2021 where you discover your purpose and act courageously through service.
Peace and many blessings on your journey forward,
Azim Khamisa
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