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“Tangible tools to use and apply in my own work; the facilitator's vulnerability increased the vulnerability of participants; the content was powerful and unique.” (1)

Question of the Month: What Did you Get Out of Azim’s Forgiveness Workshop?

“I’m glad I was receptive to the overture to attend this seminar. Azim’s power is both in his message and how his approach has helped him come to terms with the terrible tragedy he suffered. On reflection, I’m startled at how little there seems to be about the path to forgiveness. Yet when we hold someone in rage, as Azim says: “this is a bond that is more powerful than steel.”
Azim is right; rage has two victims: the person we hold the rage against, and ourselves. In rage, we are not free; we are stuck and can’t move. Neither can our oppressor. Why can’t we move? Because we don’t know-how.
Today’s seminar revealed the cost of our rage, and then gave us a system to deal with it. Each step is clear, precise, and direct. Acknowledging our oppressor’s frailties and failings is powerful because it strips so much of their power as demonizers. And the truth is always complex, as often our oppressors believe they are doing the best for us.
The meditation introduces a calmness and a focus, a clearing of the madness and hurtling chaos of our minds. Intentions matter, because if we’re not absolutely clear about our intentions, how will we have the focus, clarity, and strength to realize our journey of forgiveness?
Thank you, Azim for this meaningful seminar and day.”
~David Goldberg, Toronto
“The unconditional compassion Azim Khamisa expresses in his life and his life’s work is of a depth and authenticity that transforms minds and hearts right on the spot. Those who participate in his workshops leave inspired to follow his example and apply radical compassion and forgiveness both to themselves and to all who cross their path.”
~Michael Bernard Beckwith, Founder and Spiritual Director of Agape International Spiritual Center, Los Angeles, CA. (Author of Inspirations of the Heart, A Manifesto of Peace, and Forty Day Mind Fast Soul Feast)


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