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“In life, you will be given problems that your intellect cannot solve, you need Spiritual Resiliency.”

Question of the Month: How Do You Speed up Your Healing Process and Recover From Traumas

How do You Speed up Your Healing Process and Recover from Traumas?
We all know that therapy works wonders and is quite valuable in society. There is also great wisdom and tutelage that comes from “applied experts” like Azim Khamisa, who walk the talk and talk the walk having actually learned forgiveness through an unbelievable tragedy. Azim has spent the past 2 decades and some change as an applied expert, an exemplary leader in the field of forgiveness who has now taught and learned from thousands of program participants so that his program delivers results right away.
The 4-day virtual master series is a quick-start to developing your spiritual radar, reconnecting to your soul at the deepest level, forgiving those who have hurt you, forgiving yourself for the hurt you have caused, and discovering your life’s purpose.
Though we do not always complete the process together in just 4 days, the 4-hour intensives cover all of these topics, as well as how to meditate, workbook reflection exercises, breakout rooms for partner work, and even teach-backs to solidify the learning process for each participant.
Over the past year, we have developed a growing Soulular community of participants and graduates of this program so that there is support for everyone’s ongoing journey. There are always breakthroughs in the 4-days we spend together, but the 6-step process was designed in a manner to be repeatedly utilized for other events and relationships that need healing beyond the one we focus on during the conference.
The program is designed for you to heal the “hardest hit” or the worst event from your past with the insight from Azim and the support of the intimate group dynamic so that everything else you heal in the future will be that much easier.
This process can be applied to all the past events that you are healing from and the same tools can be used in future hardships. Several therapist graduates in this course are augmenting their practice with the wisdom and effective tools learned in the workshop. This is a train the trainer experience, so every participant learns how to teach the tools whether it is intended for friends and family or professional use.
We use the Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit as a backbone to the healing process. We have added an additional hour for a Q & A session mid-week and as an opportunity to have an “Evening with Azim” to further explore some of the nuanced aspects of achieving peace through forgiveness. We invite you to join us for the FREE Evening with Azim hosted on Tuesday, August 17th. Simply reply “interested” to this email to get on the guestlist and pay attention to future communications.
The next session is scheduled for late October, conveniently spanning two Fridays and Saturday’s so that you can fit it into the end of your workweek or plan your family events later in the day. See below!


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