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An Evening with Azim 9/21/21

Question of the Month: What is an Evening with Azim?

An Evening with Azim is exactly what it sounds like–an evening with Azim Khamisa for a short lecture followed by an open-forum question and answer session. Inspired by the community connections and conversations of his growing Soulular Community (graduates of the 4-day virtual Strengthen Your Spiritual Resiliency Master Series), we plan to meet once a month for the two months leading into the next 4-day intensive.
As mentioned above, there is power in the coming together of support networks, and that is very true in the case of the virtual master series, where an intimate group of people from all over the world comes together to heal and forgive hardships, large and small. This past round, we added a bonus hour in the middle of the week that joins the two weekends that comprise the intensive, so that the participants could connect with each other and ask Azim questions in the middle of the process.
This evening also turned into a mini-book discussion where participants could unpack and expand on the content they absorbed while reading the course’s book, The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20
An Evening with Azim is FREE and open to the public and can be accessed through the website at this link. Simply register for the event, and we will send you the confirmation email and zoom link details. Whether you have read the book or not, this event will surely offer some wisdom and insight, an opportunity to meet Azim (or say hello!) and ask some of your questions about grief, navigating the hard hits in life, how to heal your traumas, and other tips to create a life with more joy, peace, and purpose.
Register HERE. We hope to see you there. Please reply to this email with other questions.


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