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Question of the Month: Why Focus on Forgiveness at Your Event?

Having traveled the world speaking and doing workshops and interviews over the last 25+ years in the realm of forgiveness, I see that most people are either holding resentment about what has happened to them or experiencing guilt about what they have done to another. We cannot be mired in either of these two places as it harms our psyche and our life and limits our ability to live life at 100 percent of our potential.
Many want to forgive but don’t know how. My workshops and speeches teach people how to rid both resentment and guilt so they can live life at its zenith, and enjoy a healthier, happier — more peaceful, and prosperous life – within their relationships, family, and community. I shared my personal journey at all sorts of events and am newly open to booking in-person events, so maybe we can coordinate to bring these timely lessons to your organization.
For a list of the types of organizations I have been invited to and the topics I typically present on, please visit my website.
I teach 3 milestone steps of how you forgive people that have harmed you and 3 milestone steps of how you forgive yourselves. Often, self-forgiveness is harder. Not only that, but forgiveness is often the solution to most problems. It heals personal and professional relationships, and the lessons I teach expand people’s empathy muscles and deliver other great tools that continue to serve all who are open to true transformation.
I have had much success with this work, thanks to the grace of the Universe, most participants experience a breakthrough and a transformation that lands them post-forgiveness on higher ground. I do this work in organizations as well because the truth is that where there are people, often there is conflict.
This work transmutes conflict into unity. More details are on my website and you are welcome to reply to this email with any ideas you have for your event or referrals you have to local events happening near you.


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