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Question of the Month: Want to Know More About NACRJ?

The National Association of Community and Restorative Justice promotes effective forms of justice that are safe, just, equitable, sustainable, reparative, and socially constructive, addressing not only crime but conflict, incivility, injustice, and all forms of harm. NACRJ hosts the biennial National Conference of Community and Restorative Justice and provides support for members.
“Shaping Justice for the 21st Century”
We envision a safe and equitable world where restorative interactions transform individuals, relationships, communities, and systems through the prevention, repair, and deep healing of harm.
We advance community and restorative justice as a social movement by serving people and organizations committed to building community and addressing harm. NACRJ provides guidance and support to establish high-quality practices with fidelity to restorative principles.
The National Association of Community and Restorative Justice is a non-profit organization that provides a professional association for educators, practitioners, and others interested in restorative and community justice. The primary means to fulfill this purpose are educational and will be carried out through the National Conference on Restorative Justice and a membership-accessible website. The Association will use principles of social and restorative justice to assist educators, practitioners, and others to seek transformation in the ways justice questions are addressed within the United States. The Association will promote effective forms of justice that are equitable, sustainable, and socially constructive.


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