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Question of the Month: How Can You Be Part of TKF’s Peace Movement?

For many people, charitable giving is driven by strategic tax planning or a sense of obligation. We think these are decent enough reasons, but there’s so much more to the picture. Today’s philanthropy is dynamic. It breathes life into the values you hold in your heart and gives you agency to shape the world around you.
By giving to causes you believe in, you align yourself with people who are working to materialize shared ideals. TKF donors are active investors in our mission. When you make a gift to our organization, we tenaciously strive to deliver the highest possible return on your investment.
Every dollar contributed to TKF is maximized through time-tested programming that diverts vulnerable children away from harm and inspires them to reach their highest potential.
As TKF investors, your support influences our scope of practice and outreach. Fundraising dollars ultimately determine how many kids will be matched up with a mentor and how many classrooms will benefit from TKF social-emotional curriculum.
The bottom line is that the more we raise, the more kids we reach, and the stronger the school community becomes. Every donation of TKF makes a difference!
  • A $15 monthly pledge supplies social-emotional curriculum workbooks and supplies to an entire classroom for a whole year.
  • A $25 monthly pledge allows two parents to complete TKF’s Restorative Parenting Workshop series with lifetime access to lessons that guide and strengthen social-emotional development.
  • A one-time gift of $100 allows us to vet and train a TKF mentor in time-sensitive restorative principles so that they can be matched with the vulnerable child for one year.
  • A one-time gift of $250 allows an entire class of sixth graders to watch our new online Peacemaker Assembly, delivering powerful messages about choices and consequences.
Demand for TKF programming has recently doubled. This Back-to-School Campaign will allow TKF to provide vital social-emotional support and mentoring to a record 20,000 students this school year!
TKF’s programs help the most vulnerable students overcome social-emotional hurdles that have prevented them from engaging in their school communities. Think about that for a minute. School is where they spend most of their young lives. And they are not engaging. The CDC lists school connectedness as the single most effective tool to improve the mental health of our youth. Together, we have it in our power to help!
Demand is higher than ever! TKF needs to raise $50,000 in our Back-to-School Campaign. EVERY DONATION MATCHED. Click here to contribute.
Here are some of the 2022 TKF Report Card Highlights:
In March, Azim Khamisa, and Ples Felix presented our first in-person Peacemaker Assembly since the pandemic, during Tariq Khamisa Week at Chula Vista middle school.
In April, TKF, staff members, Leslie Willis and Benita Page, spoke at the School Climate Conference in Temecula, California. Their session was on “Teaching Students a Restorative Mindset Through Social-Emotional Life Skills.” They shared how TKF’s curriculum teaches students deeper lessons on accountability, compassion, collaboration, resiliency, forgiveness, and peace.
In July, Bonita Page, Tasreen Khamisa, and Tony Hicks all presented at the NACRJ Conference in Chicago. They presented the importance of forgiveness in healing. Bonita and Tasreen in partnership with SDCOE, USD Center for RJ, and RJ Mediation Program also presented on the topic of creating a restorative city for San Diego.
In August, TKF hosted a special virtual roundtable to celebrate the release of our new book Victims on Both Ends of the Gun. This book shares the personal forgiveness journeys of several TKF family members. This roundtable was moderated by co-author Tina Schuster and panel members included some of the TKF family and several students.
In September, Ples Felix and Tony Hicks spoke at San Diego Rotary, sharing their personal journey from the book, Victims on Both Ends of the Gun. They shared how the power of restorative justice and forgiveness has given them a purpose to change their lives.
In October, Tasreen Khamisa spoke at the online National University’s Women in Leadership Conference. She spoke about her journey through leadership.
In November, Tasreen Khamisa and Bonita Page presented at the AMLE Conference in Kissimmee, Florida. Their session was on teaching restorative principles to enhance social-emotional development. They shared the importance of teaching the principles of accountability, compassion, forgiveness, and peacemaking, which is at the core of our mission.
Program Impacts
Peacemaker Assembly — We presented our transformative peacemaker assembly to 6,055 students.
Restorative Workshop — We delivered our heavily in-demand Restorative Workshop to 2,080 students.
Mentoring – We provided life-changing mentoring services to 3,565 vulnerable students.
11,830 students were impacted by TKF. We increased our services by 300% from 2021.
Where Your Fundraising Money Goes:
Program 75%
Development 12%
Administration 13%


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