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10 Servant Leadership Skills to Master

Servant leadership is about serving others with authenticity and genuineness. It’s a more human-centric way of leading, focusing on people rather than outcomes. This guide will discuss ten skills to master so you can be a more effective servant leader.

1. Active Listening

At the heart of servant leadership lies the art of active listening. It is the attentive process of comprehending what people say as well as the intention behind their words.

Every person you lead brings a wealth of knowledge derived from their personal and professional journeys. As a leader, tapping into this collective wisdom empowers your team.

By actively listening, you show your team that their experiences, insights, and feelings hold value. This, in turn, creates an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation, which engages and motivates your employees.


  • Commit to being fully present during conversations, pushing aside external distractions and internal chatter.
  • Use reflective listening. Echo back what’s shared to verify your understanding and show that you’re truly engaged.
  • Tune into non-verbal cues. Sometimes, what’s unsaid can reveal additional meaning – the slight tilt of a head, the shift in posture, or the hesitation in someone’s voice.
  • Embrace pauses in discussions. They allow moments for reflection and often lead to deeper insights.
  • Cultivate an environment where open dialogue is not just encouraged but celebrated. Everyone should feel safe to voice their perspectives.
  • While listening, resist the urge to formulate responses. Let your focus be purely on understanding the speaker’s viewpoint.
  • Seek feedback on how you can enhance your listening.

2. Empathy

Empathy is the bedrock of effective leadership. To cultivate a deeper connection with those you lead, it’s essential to move beyond acknowledgment. Delve into their world: Make a genuine effort to immerse yourself in their experiences, understand their challenges, and tap into the dreams that propel them forward.

Understanding is only half the equation. Emotions play a crucial role in decision-making, motivation, and overall well-being. By validating your team members’ feelings, you’re sending a powerful message that their emotional health is just as important as the results they produce. This approach fosters trust, loyalty, and a cohesive team environment where everyone feels acknowledged and appreciated.


  • Regularly ask for feedback and be open to receiving it without defense.
  • Engage in activities or readings that expose you to diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Reflect on your interactions: consider moments when you felt understood and apply similar behaviors.
  • Validate feelings even if you don’t agree. Acknowledgment doesn’t mean agreement.
  • Create an environment where team members can share their emotions and concerns.
  • Cultivate emotional intelligence.
  • Remember that everyone is fighting a battle you may not know about. Always be kind.
  • Share personal stories and experiences. Vulnerability builds deeper connections.

3. Healing

As a leader, you are entrusted with more than just ensuring the success of projects and assignments. You have the unique role of mending, nurturing, and creating an environment where each member feels whole and valued.

Some people’s past experiences have left emotional scars. It’s helpful to recognize these wounds, whether they’re apparent or hidden. It’s not about playing therapist but about acknowledging that the journey to wholeness is ongoing for each person. By fostering a culture of healing, you not only bolster the emotional resilience of your team but also fortify the bonds that hold them together.


  • Craft an inclusive atmosphere where every team member feels they have a safe space to voice their concerns without fear of judgment.
  • Approach conflicts with an open heart and mind. Prioritize solutions that serve both the individual’s well-being and the collective harmony of the team.
  • Regularly encourage and provide resources for team members to engage in activities that promote mental health and self-care. This could be through workshops, wellness programs, or simple reminders.
  • Recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can act as a balm for previous setbacks.
  • Be vigilant and attentive to subtle changes in behavior or performance. Sometimes, these could be signals asking for help or understanding.
  • Foster peer support. Encourage team members to be there for one another, understanding that sometimes the best healing comes from someone who’s walked a similar path.
  • Be the change. Model the behavior you wish to see, whether it’s taking a mental health day, seeking feedback, or openly discussing challenges. Your authenticity will set the tone for the entire team.

4. Self-awareness

Self-awareness enables leaders to lead not just with knowledge and skill but with genuine authenticity. Understanding oneself, embracing strengths, and confronting weaknesses head-on is a sign of a mature leader.

When you are acutely aware of your triggers, motivations, biases, and capabilities, you become better equipped to respond rather than react. Such a leader is not swayed easily by external circumstances and is more anchored in values and principles. More importantly, by being self-aware, you set a culture of self-improvement, openness, and vulnerability within your team.


  • Regularly seek out feedback not just on your decisions but also on how you come across to others. A different perspective can be enlightening.
  • Dedicate time to introspective activities, whether it’s penning down your thoughts, meditating, or simply reflecting on the day. These practices ground you and amplify your inner voice.
  • Challenge yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone. Try new experiences and get into some unfamiliar situations. This helps to reveal unknown facets of your personality.
  • They act as mirrors, reflecting parts of you that usually would stay hidden.
  • Continually educate yourself about unconscious biases and ensure they don’t cloud your judgments.

5. Persuasion over Coercion

Servant leadership emphasizes building consensus rather than enforcing authority. It’s about guiding rather than dictating, suggesting rather than commanding.

Persuasion facilitates collaboration, mutual respect, and most importantly, a shared vision. When you persuade, you invite dialogue, understanding, and participation. This results in decisions that people understand, appreciate, internalize, and implement with conviction rather than out of obligation.


  • Make an effort to truly understand the aspirations, worries, and motivations of your team members. This understanding lays the groundwork for meaningful persuasion.
  • Frame discussions around open-ended questions. These questions stimulate thought, foster dialogue, and enable team members to arrive at conclusions organically.
  • When presenting new decisions or changes, emphasize their alignment with your organization’s goals and values. This helps everyone see the bigger picture and their role within it.
  • Actively listen and be ready to adjust your approach based on your team’s feedback and concerns. Look for a middle ground.
  • Model the behavior you want to see. When team members see you making decisions based on consensus and mutual respect, they are more likely to adopt a similar approach.

6. Conceptualization

It’s vital to elevate your thinking beyond the immediate tasks and zoom out to see the bigger picture. By doing so, you align your actions and your team’s actions to a grander vision.

Keeping your focus on the big picture ensures that every task, no matter how small, contributes meaningfully to the larger organizational mission. Stepping back from the daily grind can also stimulate creativity, revealing innovative solutions to lingering problems.


  • Carve out moments in your schedule dedicated to strategic contemplation.
  • Empower board members and trustees to immerse themselves in high-level strategy. This will help them bring fresh insights.
  • Organize regular brainstorming sessions and include a varied mix of team members. Diversity can usher in novel approaches and solutions.
  • Tie back your daily decisions and actions to the organization’s larger mission.

7. Foresight

Foresight guides, warns, and illuminates the path ahead. As a servant-leader, developing foresight allows you to navigate challenges with clarity that will inspire and reassure your team.

While some feel that foresight is innate, it is, in many ways, a cultivated skill. It thrives on experience, knowledge, and continuous learning. It’s not just about predicting what will happen, but also preparing for it and ensuring that the organization is resilient and adaptable.


  • Make it a habit to revisit past decisions and analyze their outcomes. This retrospective analysis is a treasure trove of insights.
  • Stay up to date with industry developments and trends. This not only aids in making informed decisions but also in anticipating future shifts.
  • While intuition is powerful, it’s equally important to bounce ideas off trusted colleagues, drawing from their experiences and perceptions.
  • Recognize that foresight is a muscle. The more you train it—by analyzing, predicting, and strategizing—the stronger and more refined it becomes.

8. Stewardship

In servant leadership, the leader assumes the role of a steward. This demands integrity and dedication to long-term sustainability over short-term gains.

Stewardship also means considering the ripple effects of decisions. It’s about understanding how choices impact employees, customers, the community, and the environment.


  • Embed the organization’s values into every decision.
  • Try conducting monthly “values check-ins” to evaluate how recent decisions align with the organization’s core principles.
  • Prioritize decisions that ensure the longevity and sustainability of the organization, even if they require sacrifices in the short term.
  • Instill a sense of collective ownership. When everyone feels they have a stake in the organization’s future, they are more likely to act with its best interests at heart.
  • Facilitate open forums where team members can voice concerns, ideas, or insights. This emphasizes shared responsibility.
  • Implement a sustainability audit annually to assess environmental and social impacts.
  • Host quarterly town hall meetings for transparent communication about the organization’s direction and challenges.
  • Set up suggestion boxes or digital platforms where team members can submit ideas or concerns anonymously.
  • Establish a rotating committee of team members to provide insights on strategic decisions, ensuring diverse perspectives.

9. Commitment to People’s Growth

As a servant leader, it’s essential to understand and appreciate the depth of potential within each individual. Beyond just professional accomplishments, it’s about recognizing their aspirations, dreams, and the myriad of talents they bring.

By committing to your team’s holistic growth, you’re not only elevating their potential but also strengthening the foundation of your organization.


  • Launch a mentor-mentee program, pairing seasoned professionals with newer team members.
  • Dedicate a budget specifically for external training and courses that team members can opt into.
  • Implement “Feedback Fridays,” where leaders and team members exchange constructive feedback.
  • Offer career pathing sessions once a year for each team member to discuss future goals and potential trajectories within the organization.
  • Collaborate with local counselors or therapists to provide mental well-being workshops or sessions.

10. Building Community

While modern society often celebrates individual achievements, it’s the collective spirit, the sense of belonging and shared purpose, that truly fuels lasting success. A servant leader recognizes this and strives to weave a fabric of community within the organization—a space where every voice counts, every achievement is celebrated, and every challenge is faced together.


  • Promote collaborative projects, allowing team members to intersect and learn from diverse perspectives.
  • Organize monthly team-building activities, such as group outings, workshops, or hobby classes.
  • Implement a “buddy system” for new hires to help them integrate into the organization’s culture.
  • Celebrate team achievements with “Spotlight Mondays,” highlighting a successful project or initiative from the past week.
  • Launch an internal newsletter featuring team members’ personal stories, achievements, and fun facts.
  • Create shared spaces in the office, like a communal lounge or garden, to encourage spontaneous interactions and breaks.
  • Continuously iterate on community-building initiatives, seeking feedback, and being open to new ideas and traditions.


As a servant leader, you prioritize the growth and well-being of others over authoritative command. This shift doesn’t mean you lack direction. Instead, servant leadership amplifies the collective strength of a united team, guiding it with compassion and empathy.

Becoming a servant leader isn’t just about mastering a checklist; it’s an ongoing journey of introspection, learning, and growth. As you delve into the insights from the tips provided, always anchor them to the central philosophy of this leadership approach: service. Your primary role is to serve your team, your organization, and your broader community.

Begin with small steps. Pick one or two areas that resonate deeply with you and weave them into your daily interactions. Authentic transformation often unfolds incrementally, built on steady, consistent efforts rather than sweeping, one-off gestures.

As you progress, you’ll sharpen your ability to anticipate needs, preempt potential conflicts, and spark innovation, all the while championing the comprehensive development of your team members.

Instead of leading from the top, you’ll foster a more interconnected, collaborative environment. In this space, every voice – from the intern to the manager – is given equal importance, and every perspective is cherished. This approach not only democratizes the decision-making process but also cultivates a feeling of collective responsibility and pride in your team’s achievements.

In this evolving landscape, you don’t stand above your team but alongside them, guiding, supporting, and celebrating every milestone together.

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Azim Khamisa

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