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A Leader’s Guide to Mastering Mindfulness

Leadership can be tough, especially when everything feels like a storm. Mindfulness – keeping your head cool and present – can be a great asset, both for your peace of mind and for keeping your team running smoothly.

7 Simple Tips to Master Mindfulness

Here are 7 easy tips to help you get started with this powerful skill.

1. Take Short Breaks

Set an alarm every couple of hours to take a quick break. Use this time to breathe, think about what’s gone well, and what you could do better. A simple “well done” to yourself or a mental note to adjust a plan can keep you on track and feeling grounded.

2. Make Room for Chill Time

Block out a few minutes in your day just for you. Use this time to take deep breaths or do a quick stretch. It’s a little island of calm in your day, giving you a minute to shake off stress and refocus.

3. Actively Listen

    When someone’s talking, give them your full attention. That means putting your phone away, looking at them, and really hearing their words. It shows respect, and you’ll likely catch details you might miss otherwise.

    4. Add Gaps Between Meetings

    Don’t pack your schedule too tight. Finish your meetings a bit early to give everyone a breather before the next one. It’s courteous and ensures everyone has a moment to collect their thoughts.

    5. Know Who You Are as a Leader

    Regularly think about your personal mission statement or the reason why you do what you do. It’s a good anchor for when things get chaotic. It will also help you stay true to your values.

    6. Be Mindful All Day, Every Day

    Stay present during your conversations and meetings. Really being “there”, not just going through the motions.

    7. One-Minute Meditations

    Find one minute, three times a day, to be quiet and breathe. These three tiny breaks can refocus your mind and take the edge off the stress. This will help you lead with a clearer head.

    What Is Mindfulness?

    You’ve likely seen the apps and books around, all promising a calmer, more focused you. In a nutshell, mindfulness means focusing on the now. It’s about being aware of your emotions, surroundings, and yourself, often done through focused breathing and meditation.

    If your work involves constant emails, meetings, and tasks, then mastering mindfulness will be immensely helpful to you.

    How Mindfulness Can Help You Be a Better Leader

    Let’s discuss 3 key skills that mindfulness can boost for anyone in a leadership role: resilience, collaboration, and navigating difficult situations.

    1. Mindfulness Helps You Bounce Back

    In business, things go wrong. Resilience is about coping with those mess-ups without falling apart. It’s about keeping motivation high, managing risks, and recovering fast.

    Resilient people are often seen as effective leaders because they don’t crumble under pressure.

    Roughly two thirds of professionals who try mindfulness exercises say that mindfulness boosted their resilience.

    The reason why is pretty simple: Mindfulness helps you notice your thoughts and emotions as they happen. This tiny pause lets you cool off and choose how to react, instead of going with your first impulse.

    The payoff is less stress, better decision making, and a leader who can stay steady and adapt when things get rough.

    2. Mindfulness Enhances Teamwork

    With businesses spanning continents, working together across cultures is crucial. Being a team player in a leadership position means understanding others, feeling empathy, and considering new viewpoints.

    Mindfulness nudges you to manage your own emotions and in turn, understand the emotions of those around you. This doesn’t just mean spotting when your teammates are stressed or excited, but also considering their ideas and solutions.

    Being mindful of others’ feelings builds understanding and human connections. This is key to inspiring solid teamwork and leadership that motivates.

    3. Mindfulness Keeps You Thinking Clearly

    When the going gets tough, and things are flying left and right, mindfulness could be your secret weapon to stay calm and make smart choices.

    Being able to lead in complicated, unpredictable situations is a hallmark of effective leadership.

    Instead of reacting with stress or frustration when problems arise, mindfulness allows you to take a breath, keep your cool, and decide how to respond consciously.

    This clear-headedness is crucial in navigating through challenges successfully.

    5 Characteristics of a Mindful Leader

    If you’re leading a team, you’re probably thinking, “I barely have time to grab a coffee, let alone be mindful!”

    But here’s the kicker: Taking just a few moments each day to practice mindfulness might actually make the rest of your day go smoother. Plus, it doesn’t just benefit you. It also benefits your team.

    Janice Marturano, the Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Mindful Leadership, tells us to be “still in the midst of activity.”

    She adds: “As we begin to cultivate a practice to develop the qualities of mindful leadership, we begin to recognize the folly of believing that if we could just move faster, we would eventually catch up.”

    So what does a mindful leader look like?

    Mindful leaders tend to show these 5 traits:

    1. Composure

    A mindful leader doesn’t panic. They breathe, stay calm, and believe there’s always a way forward.

    Imagine you’re in a crisis meeting and everything’s going wrong. Can you be that person who takes a breath, steadies the ship, and finds a way to steer through it?

    2. Compassion

    A mindful leader looks at themselves and their team without judgment. The key to this is to remember: You’re not perfect and neither are they.

    A mindful leader gives a break to themselves and their team, knowing everyone’s learning and growing.

    When a team member messes up, a compassionate leader will not get angry. Instead, they’ll understand the mistake and encourage the person to try again.

    3. Connectivity

    A mindful leader recognizes that everyone on their team plays a crucial part. They see the value each person brings and how all the tiny interactions between everyone create something big.

    If one piece of a jigsaw puzzle is missing, it’s incomplete. A mindful leader realizes that every person and their actions, thoughts, and emotions matter to complete the puzzle.

    4. Curiosity

    A mindful leader keeps an open mind. When something bad happens, instead of jumping to conclusions, they ask questions, explore different views, and stay open to varied ideas – even ideas that are way out of left field.

    A mindful leader shows curiosity by creating a space where everyone on the team feels free to get creative and share their thoughts without fear of being shot down.

    5. Caliber

    A mindful leader brings their best to the table and inspires their team to do the same.

    They get stuff done. They aspire to high performance. But they don’t apply the frantic energy of stress and competition.

    Instead, they allow themselves and their team to feel calm and confident so that they can produce their best work.


    Becoming a mindful leader isn’t about floating on a cloud of serenity. It’s about staying grounded and making space for yourself and your team to be human, to grow, and to bring their best selves to work every day.

    Even in the chaos, you can find a moment to breathe, to be present, and to lead from a place of calm.

    Mindfulness helps you keep your team’s ship on course, even when the waters get rough.

    Why not give mindfulness a try? Plenty of smart people have tried it and loved it.

    What’s a few minutes of mindfulness in the grand scheme of a day? It might just make the rest of your hours run a bit smoother. Plus, your team will be better off for it too.

    The post A Leader’s Guide to Mastering Mindfulness appeared first on Azim Khamisa.

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    Azim Khamisa

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