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Musing: Tasreen – A Wonderful Light in my Life

I am truly blessed to have a beautiful, compassionate, intelligent and a kind daughter as is evident from a recent radio interview in which she described in such clear and elegant style the story of her brother and the background of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation (See highlights and link below.)

Tasreen now serves as the Executive Director of the foundation named after her brother. I am in deep gratitude that Tariq was not my ONLY child. I have met many parents who have lost an only child and my prayers are with them.

Tasreen and I have always been on the same wavelength. Often at TKF Board meetings she will say something about an issue which were exactly my sentiments. She has also given the family three amazing grandchildren: Shahin, Khalil and Miya. They are all healthy, good looking and very smart. It is a pleasure to spend time with them which we are able to do often as they live in Escondido, about 45 minutes from my home. I can truly say that I am extremely proud of her.

Every father should have the joy of a daughter like Tasreen. TKF is in good hands with her as ED, and when I pass on I know she will continue Tariq’s legacy with someday the grandchildren being a part of TKF.


I am also blessed to have fathered Tariq. Although he was with us for a short 20 years he touched more lives than most do in a lifetime. For me he was the catalyst that helped me find the purpose of my spiritual life. The work that I have done with Tasreen’s help – in the aftermath of the tragedy that took Tariq’s life – has been very meaningful and fulfilling for both of us. Tariq continues to change hearts through the work done by TKF, Tasreen, and many others. This legacy will live forever. So thank you Tariq and Tasreen from the bottom of my heart.

Highlights of Radio Show Freedom For All recorded January 21, 2016, twenty one years to the day of Tariq’s murder:

  • “I was in Vancouver, BC. I was with my grandmother. And the phone rang, and my grandmother answered the phone and she started screaming. I’ve never heard anyone screaming like that in my life. I grabbed it and it was my dad on the other end.”
  • “Tariq was a very old soul in a young body. He was the comedian. He was the risk taker and always lived life to the fullest. The importance of time was really a driving force in my brother’s life. Even at a young age he would always say we don’t have much time on this earth. We have to make most of our time while we are here.”
  • “I feel he is doing this work hand in hand with me and Azim. It’s like we are carrying on his dreams and what he wanted, and that makes it a little easier to not have him here physically.”
  • “I am ready to meet Tony face to face, and I haven’t been able to say that until now.”
  • “It has always been my passion and my drive to work with the youth. The fact that I’m doing it in my brother’s name is truly rewarding on so many levels.”

The entire interview is HERE!   

Best Wishes,
Azim Khamisa
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Azim Khamisa

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