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Question of the Month: How To Respond When Faced With Verbal Attack


With so much attack taking place online and in person within political and personal arenas, what is the best way a person can respond to these attacks?

My sense is to not give energy to these attacks. It will only create more stress and thus perpetuate and amplify negative feelings and energy. I believe we need to stay on the higher ground and acknowledge the positive. I recognize that may be a challenge in the times we live in, but it follows that where you focus goes, your energy flows, and this will dictate what you manifest in the future. Work to focus on the positives. We definitely have many in the United States, and we can continue to strengthen the freedoms and values, which has made our country great in a short 240 years. If, however, we focus on the negative attacks, they too will continue to manifest.

As I have written before, looking through my spiritual lens, there are Universal Laws such as gravity that cannot be overcome. The negative attacks go against Universal Laws, and in my opinion will fail. Hopefully we all will awaken and return together in a unified way to take back our beloved country and strengthen our Constitution and what is good in America … as there is plenty there to be thankful for. 

Azim Khamisa

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