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Do you think we could ever find peace in the world with presidential candidates who are not focused on creating peace?

No unfortunately, I don’t believe we can. I am not thrilled by the presidential candidates and very concerned about the negative rhetoric that is shown by all the potential candidates.
The world today is in a precarious order, and a wrong choice could lead to a major third world war. This would be devastating especially if this becomes a nuclear war. We as a species may not survive. I am not an astute political scientist, but I am hoping that the population of the United States does see that electing the right candidate is crucial. The question we must all ask is who is the right candidate that can lead the US and the World to a peaceful future and who – on the other hand – might make the world a more dangerous place!
I am ultimately an optimist and have a tremendous amount of belief in the people of our nation. Warren Buffet, a person I have  a great admiration and respect for, is also optimistic. His comment “”For 240 years it’s been a terrible mistake to bet against America.” So while I don’t believe that we have the right candidates in place, I do believe that the wrong candidate will eventually push us in selecting a leader who can get us to peace. We may be in for four years of a difficult time ahead, but I do believe that the American people are resilient and will endure this period, eventually voting in the right candidate. We have been the world’s hope for many years, and I do not see that changing.

Azim Khamisa

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