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What was the most recent “conversation” you had with Tariq, and what was said?


The conversation with Tariq was earlier today as today (March 6) is his 42nd birthday.

So there was a happy birthday hug to my favorite Tariq photo that sits on his altar at my house followed by a heartwarming conversation. Tariq loved kids, and kids loved him. Had he lived he probably would have had his own children. I know he would have been a brilliant father and uncle to his nephews and niece.

So today I shared with him that this week, to celebrate his birthday and to acknowledge him, the Tariq Khamisa Foundation organized five separate assemblies at the Roosevelt Middle School where Tasreen and I spoke to 1100 students on the principles of nonviolence, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and peacemaking. The students paid rapt attention to our messages, and many came up to talk with me after the assemblies.

When I asked one of the 8th grade students what she wanted to do when she grew up, she told me, “I want to be a lawyer and eventually the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.” Of course this brought a big smile to my face and I know to Tariq’s face as well. So the world is in good hands!

We also acknowledged Tariq’s birthday, and all the students sent their birthday sentiments to Tariq. I requested the students say a special prayer for Tariq this day. I put out my sincerest request that all you readers please do the same.

Also, I told Tariq we were having special prayers for him at the mosque tonight with a dinner celebration after the service with the family. In my tradition, we bring food, milk, something sweet, and one of Tariq’s favorite meal, so I am bringing Chicken Curry and Rice, and Tasreen is kind enough to bring the other items. Symbolically we believe all the delicious food satisfies his palate, and after the service the food is auctioned off, usually for pennies on the dollar so other members of the congregation can enjoy the food.It is truly a great ritual.

I also thanked Tariq for supporting the work TKF is doing here from the other side, as I truly feel his presence especially when I am in front of the kids – which thanks to Tariq, I am blessed to do often.

Tariq also thanked me and TKF for doing this work in his honor. He knows it is spiritual currency for him and helping him soar immensely in the next world. He is doing this work up there and also helping children who leave the physical world too early as he did.

All in all it was a special moment – of course bittersweet as I choked back tears a couple of times in the assemblies and in my conversation with him today. Even so, I  always feel his love and support. God bless you my dearest son!

Azim Khamisa

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