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Musings: Forgiveness and Health

Connection of Forgiveness with Peace, Health

Over the years I have often written and spoken of forgiveness. I have also conducted several “Train The Trainer” Workshops on forgiveness. While everyone who attends experiences a breakthrough, the workshops remain challenging to fill. I believe there is indeed a resistance to the topic of forgiveness for many of us. Whereas a workshop on abundance may be easy to fill the room, a lesson on forgiveness for many people is difficult.
Why is that?
For starters, forgiveness in our culture is grossly misunderstood. There is this connotation that by forgiving you are somehow condoning the offender’s behavior. There is also a lot of judgment involved – how can you possibly forgive poor behavior?
The truth is forgiveness is NOT about the offender – it is about you. I believe there is no escaping wrongdoing. Karma always gets even! The killer of my son – in spite of my forgiveness – has to live the rest of his life with his conscience knowing he murdered an unarmed innocent human being who was not doing him any harm. I know this plagues his conscience 24-7 with nightmares and sweaty hands in the middle of the night. Similarly. if you forgo forgiveness and remain in judgment or resentment of a person, this typically gnaws at your conscious 24-7 as well. These are very debilitating emotions and preclude you from participating in life 100 percent attempting to achieve peace, prosperity and purpose.
The benefits of forgiveness are many. When you forgive, you are no longer in resentment, judgment or guilt. When you forgive you are no longer a victim. You can be out there performing at 100 percent, and this ability to give all of you to all of your endeavors creates better outcomes for you, your family and, more importantly, your community. It is clinically proven that forgiveness can substantially improve your health and spiritual resiliency. A good friend of mine who experienced my workshop said, “The two best anti-aging antidotes are forgiveness and meditation.” At my last physical my health age was eight years younger than my biological age. (This is actually on my mind as I am one year older on the 10th of this month!) When you forgive, your conscience is no longer plagued by resentment. Instead love and joy happily live there.

Unfortunately there is much angst in our society. I recall one workshop in which a father came up to me and said, “I’m so inspired that tomorrow I am going to reach out to my with whom I haven’t spoken for 10 years.” I responded by offering him my cell phone. He looked at the phone awhile, but then did make the call. For the first time in 10 years, they connected. I don’t know what they shared on the call, but the father returned in a few minutes and fell into my arms sobbing. They planned a lunch for the next day.

In my journey, I have learned that the benefits of forgiveness are many: good health, enhanced relationships, and more focus and energy in your work. With this, your life would easily include prosperity, a deeper level of peace (My fourth book will address “A Road Map to Peace”), a sense of purpose and more importantly the increased ability and propensity to create more peace in your families, workplace and community at large.
I truly believe if there were enough forgiving people we could create a world at peace. Ask yourself this question “Who is the offender in your life” or “Who is the person occupying your conscience 24-7?” “What estranged relationship needs to be resolved?” Then take the step to forgive – there are plenty of resources on my website (
I don’t harbor any resentment or guilt, and as a result I am able to joyfully experience positive impact in my life and in the lives of many – more than I could have ever imagined! This is the blessing and essence of forgiveness. It’s a blessing I wish to share with you!
Have a happy, a loving and a very blessed Valentine’s Day. Spread the love!


Many Blessings,

Azim N. Khamisa

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Azim Khamisa

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