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Musings: Prosperity Found

Prosperity Found in Many Aspects of our Lives

Have a prosperous 2013!We often hear this in the greetings we receive over the New Year. However, I must question if prosperity is solely about material wealth, or is there more to it than just $$$. Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy living in my La Jolla town-home, driving a new car, having three square meals at home or in a nice restaurant and having the basic comforts. Yet, beyond the basic comforts, more wealth does not provide for a better quality of life as you cannot live in more homes or drive more cars or have more meals. I believe that prosperity goes beyond the material wealth.So then, what is true prosperity?
To me prosperity is a gift from the Universe (or higher power) and is made of more meaningful blessings.

For one, health is very important. As I’m still struggling with the aftermath of shingles (pain has subsided but still very present), I am further convinced that to be prosperous one must experience good health. No wonder my commitment in 2013 is to be cognizant of not overdoing a good thing (see my last newsletter HERE) and focusing on getting back to good health and staying there.

Happiness is an important part of feeling prosperous. Over the years I have met many wealthy people who are not happy. The ones I have met who are wealthy and happy are using their wealth to do good things for the less fortunate in our society. So in many ways happiness is a result of creating healthy and meaningful relationships with family, peers, friends and society through service. I feel lucky in my charitable work with TKF and CANEI. We are blessed with wealthy contributors who generously support this work and role model the motto “it is in the giving that you truly receive.”

Another important lesson I have personally learned is that prosperity is a result of living a purpose-driven life. I find that the most satisfying aspect of my life is the work that I have been doing in the aftermath of my son Tariq’s passing. In many ways the gift that Tariq left me was to put me into this work as I would not be doing this without his ultimate sacrifice. Yet I can unequivocally say that this work provides me with the greatest sense of prosperity. To be on purpose is to be prosperous!

Another aspect of prosperity is to be at peace. No amount of material wealth can purchase peace. Peace is an internal attribute and comes through living in grace. I will be talking more about this in my fourth book “The Road Map to Peace” scheduled to be out this year. In the meantime I believe the message on “grace” in the Daily Word on 12/30/12 says it all:

  • “Indwelling spirit of God, shine through my eyes. Make them soft with kindness, warm with compassion, tender with forgiveness. Let no impatience or condemnation cloud my sight. Let my being radiate contentment, joy and happiness. Let me shine so that the Divine shines through me.
  • Indwelling spirit, enrich my voice. Imbue it with healing mellowness that calms troubled waters. Help me to speak every word in a clear, loving and a sincere manner. Let me listen with patience and understanding. 
  • Indwelling spirit, endow me with your grace. Let me move through life with wisdom. Let me be thoughtful of others, of their needs, of their dignity and of their rights. Let us create a world full of love, joy and beauty”
So as you enter 2013 know that prosperity is my wish for all of you, and not just wealth but health, happiness, meaningful relationships, a purpose-driven life and peace through living with grace.


Many Blessings,

Azim N. Khamisa

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Azim Khamisa

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