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Question of Month: Clear Unresolved Issues?



“What do you do when you want to clear up unresolved issues?”
Unresolved issues can stymie your psyche and keep your mind occupied with debilitating thoughts. I think it is important to take the steps to resolve them. My rule is to resolve these issues within 24 hours. If it is my fault, I take responsibility, apologize and ask for forgiveness. I always want to atone by taking some meaningful action – send flowers, send a card, cook a meal or send a gift.If it is a close relationship, I give the person the permission to call me on similar behavior in the future. It is important that you take this experience and learn to refrain from repeating the same behavior. These moments of disagreements or discord provide lessons so we can evolve and become more loving and compassionate people. When we are this way – these situations of discord show up less and less.

If the unresolved issue is NOT your fault, I suggest taking responsibility and offering forgiveness. Humility is an important quality to develop. Nothing happens in a vacuum – there are reasons why people falter and fall away. Rather than judge these people, look at these situations with empathy. So offer forgiveness and support them. You will feel better, and most likely you will encourage the other person to make amends. The first step is to make a commitment to resolve any issues within 24 hours.

Azim Khamisa

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