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Strengthen your spiritual resiliency event series

Question of the Month: How Do You Strengthen Your Spiritual Resilience?

The difference between people that are spiritually resilient and spiritually fragile is inspiration and information. The good news is that spiritual resiliency is a gift we were born with and through regular spiritual practice, we continue to strengthen. The practice is important.
In my book, The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit – How to Bounce Back From Life’s Hardest Hits, there are 30 chapters each one with a practice matrix of how you can strengthen your spiritual resiliency.
Better news, I am currently working with my associate Dr. Maureen Orey to offer an 4 session webinar titled “Strengthening Your Spiritual Resiliency” towards the end of June. It is a deep dive into your soul and the webinar will be an experiential interactive designed to create transformation in your life and will positively impact those around you.
I limit my workshops to a group of 30, so all the individual participants experience one-on-one attention. Over the last 15 years, I have given this workshop (mostly live) and can say without reservation that most participants experience a transformation. My work is at the soulular (a word I coined) level which goes much deeper than cognitive and emotional work. When you shift at the soulular level that transformation sustains for the rest of your life.
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