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self love

Question of the Month: What is the First Step to Forgiving Yourself?

What is the FIRST step to forgiving yourself?
The first step to forgiving yourself is to take responsibility for your action. Often, we blame others for our misgivings. Bad parenting, tough circumstances, unfortunate life cycle, the unfairness of life, and a million other excuses. It takes courage to admit that you were wrong and made a bad choice irrespective of these circumstances. Forgiveness of self is a lot harder than forgiving others.
Once you take the responsibility of your actions – even though it is a painful step you will be on your way to forgiving yourself. Of course, there are more steps to learn on this journey and I will cover those in detail in the workshop. Hard to do – yes, very hard to do – but here is a real testimony of a senior high school student:
“Hello Mr. Khamisa: I am a senior at The Bishop’s School. Following your presentation on campus November 8th, last Friday, I had a very heartfelt encounter with you and I really appreciate the time you took out of your day to listen to my story for a few minutes. I previously attended a middle school where you presented about 7 years ago and changed the outlook I had on life at the time. I have been in the foster care system since age 8, and your story and ability to spread the idea of peace inspired me to take the appropriate steps towards success as a 13-year-old.
Following your presentation 7 years ago, my attitude towards the world no longer represented hatred but took me down a path of forgiveness. Forgiveness of my biological mother, whom I deemed responsible for my being in the foster care system, and forgiveness of the world whom I held accountable for all of my young confusion and pain. Today as a senior, I am extremely appreciative of the message you have and continue to spread as it has not only changed my life 7 years ago but still influences my daily journey. It was a pleasure meeting you 7 years ago, and again for a second time last week. Thank you again, Mr.Khamisa.”
So, if a 13 year can get there surely we all can! I know that she will change the world maybe the broken foster care system. I believe she will find her purpose through her journey of forgiveness as I have. You can too!
If you need extra help working through what you uncover, I also do personal coaching by appointment and will be offering another 4-day conference in the fall that you can attend yourself. The 1st 10 registrants get an additional 30 minute consultation with me! (Join my interest list here).
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