The Universe is constantly nudging you towards your spiritual purpose. Some refer to it as a “calling” or a “passion,” but the unifying quality is that it enriches and enlivens your soul and comes from a place deep within you.
Sometimes the nudge is joyous and sometimes it is devastatingly tragic – as was my case. I did not know until I was able to see through Tariq’s tragedy, that there were victims on both sides of the gun. This led me to forgive Tariq’s killer and invite him and his family to join me in TKF’s work. TKF is now in its 25th year and the forgiveness movement has reached millions. I was not trained in social services and truly believe that this miracle in my life happened as a result of discovering my spiritual purpose. Today – I enjoy a level of peace and satisfaction I had never previously felt.
As you enter 2021 and reflect on your resolutions and plans, it is my sincere hope that you, too, will discover your spiritual purpose. Look at all the Universe’s nudges, the good–and especially the tough ones–that life sends to you in the form of signs or challenges.