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Question of the Month: How Do You Stregthen Your Spiritual Resiliency?

One opportunity to make a quantum leap in developing your resiliency muscle is to join me in the upcoming 4-day Master Series in March. This virtual conference is more than meets the eye. As a forgiveness master and a thought leader. I have been offering in-person workshops on this material for 25 years and have perfected a “peace formula.” Not only that, but I have developed a way to utilize the steps of healing past traumas into a platform to develop stronger spiritual resiliency, inner peace, and purpose for your life moving forward. The event is a blend of like-minded people who want to heal, transform, and love their life the fullest.
We use the book, The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit, as the backbone to our progress and healing and do a deep-dive for 4 days (4 hours each day) to unblock the pathways to peace and purpose through the true release of guilt, anger, blame, shame, resentment, and other limiting emotions.
I have been doing this workshop in person for decades now and most participants experience a transformative breakthrough in effectively navigating life’s never-ending challenges and discovering how through building their resiliency muscle they are able to live in the flow of life – happy, peaceful, healthy and purposeful – most of the times as I do. You can too!
Check out my website, under events, to read more testimonials, see a teaser video for free, and find out more about how you can become more spiritually resilient this spring, forevermore.
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