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Monthly Musing: The Benefits of Forgiveness

Happy March! I am elated to share with you that my spring virtual conference is just a few weeks away and we still have space for you. This month’s newsletter looks at the less talked about behind-the-scenes testimonials and magic that manifests because of the practice of forgiveness.
Over the years of doing this work, I have saved many marriages, healed the conflict between father-son, mother-daughter, siblings fighting over inheritance, business partners from suing each other, forgiveness of offenders by their families, and helped paroled prisoners contribute to society as Tony is doing–as well as other infractions.
Read on to learn how forgiving my son’s killer and practicing forgiveness in all my relationships is my secret to a long, happy, and healthy life.
If you want to experience the benefits of forgiveness yourself, join my upcoming virtual master series March 23rd-26th by clicking this link. As a newsletter subscriber, I am offering you an exclusive two-for-one special so that you can not only join us within your budget but that you can share this practice with someone special to you. In fact, you may even invite someone that you are doing this important healing work with–or maybe just someone whom you know would benefit from self-forgiveness or forgiving someone from their past. Feel free to reply to this newsletter with more questions. The two-for-one sale is for a limited time only, so REGISTER NOW to save your spot. *Simply reply to this email before or after your registration with the name of your guest and both of you will be added to the list.
P.S. This workshop is a “train the trainer” certification and is especially supportive for those that are providing services or therapy to victims and offenders. You can use this work in your practice as well as in your individual relationships. (Everyone learns how to not only master the principles of the 6-step forgiveness approach themselves, but they also learn how to communicate about it and teach it to others from their own understanding.)
You are probably wondering “Why Forgive?” especially when you were seriously wronged, hurt, or even decimated as I was. Of course, my heart downloaded the wisdom from the Universe that there were “victims on both sides of the gun” which led me to forgive my son’s killer and start an organization to make sure no young person in my community ends up dead like my son Tariq or in prison, like Tony. What I did not know 26 years ago was that this decision would lead to innumerable benefits that have manifested in my life and continue to manifest.
Last Friday NPR’s Morning Edition just released a piece where Tony and I speak together. StoryCorps has done a longer piece in a podcast. Because of my act of forgiveness, I have healed and now enjoy a level of peace that I never felt before. I am healthy and just celebrated my 72nd birthday. I have written 5 books and given presentations to over 1 million students and over 600 keynotes to adults. Forgiveness has created all of these benefits and more!
One of the most fulfilling aspects of my life for the last 20 years has been the facilitation of a forgiveness workshop (which is now virtual) called: “Strengthen Your spiritual Resiliency”. Most participants experience a breakthrough and can rid themselves of living with the seriously debilitating emotions of anger, hatred, despair, shame, guilt, and other negative emotions that preclude them from truly expressing themselves and living life to their fullest potential. I never thought that I would manifest my life’s purpose through my tragedy –-but I did, and the portal was FORGIVENESS.
That is why it is important to forgive people that have harmed you (and to also forgive yourself), so you are able to perform at your zenith and manifest your life’s purpose – the purpose you were born to bring to the world. In the upcoming workshop, I teach how to both forgive others and forgive yourself.
The magic will manifest after you experience this release and enjoy personal freedom – where you live in health, with more loving relationships, and an abundance mindset. A positive life awaits you full of purpose, (most importantly) inspired by serving others, and the joy of a heightened level of peace. I promise that this workshop will do for you as it has done for me and most who have participated over the past 20 plus years.
My personal journey with forgiveness may be very different from yours, but as I teach, if you can forgive the WORST thing that has ever happened to you, you can forgive ANYTHING. But, do not take it simply from me — this month’s newsletter features participant testimonials to the right and below, including an in-depth question featured as the Question of the Month.
Join the many who have had breakthroughs through the practice of forgiveness in my upcoming conference. Each participant also receives a signed copy of my book and becomes more spiritually resilient through daily lectures, workbook reflections, inspirational emails, and the community of people who can support you in your healing process.
Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself that keeps on giving forever.
Peace and many blessings on your journey forward,
Azim Khamisa
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