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Musings: Recap a Year to Celebrate … Prepare for a Year to Grow …

As we approach the end of the year, memories are rekindled. As it has been my practice to look back and see what was accomplished, there is much to share of what happened in 2013 and what milestone were achieved. A time for introspection.In particular my fourth book – From Fulfillment to Peace – which completes the trilogy of books – is now completed and available. A 19-year journey started with a tragic event of losing my son Tariq, and this completely changed the trajectory of my life. Nine months later I founded the Tariq Khamisa Foundation and reached out to Tony’s grandfather Ples Felix to create a solution to prevent youth violence. Yes we are still together, and TKF continues to create impact, notably with a Safe School Model. This model – which successfully prevents youth violence – has been praised by the San Diego Unified School District which last month passed a resolution to have the model in every middle school in the district.

This now ensures a rapid growth of TKF as it expands its program within the SDUSD and other districts in California and beyond. I continue to speak to thousands of students each year teaching the principles of nonviolence. One of the most exciting insights I have had after doing this work for 18 years is: “These principles are not only teachable, the kids are hungry to learn them!”

Three years after the tragedy I completed my first book “From Murder to Forgiveness” which still continues to inspire many readers and is being used in schools that teach juvenile justice. This book was followed by my second book “From Forgiveness to Fulfillment” in 2007. And now the trilogy is finally complete with “From Fulfillment to Peace” now available on my website and soon available at Amazon and bookstores such as Barnes and Noble.

The Foreword of the book was written by Tony Hicks, the person who took my son’s life and who, at 33, has turned his life around. He did an incredible job. My efforts continue to fight for his release so he can join his grandfather and us in the work of TKF. I would never have thought that the decision made 19 years ago would have manifested such peace in my heart and life. It has been an incredible journey. I have grown tremendously in the spiritual realm, and the growth continues to be a blessing. I do hope that this inspires many to forgive and heal estranged relationships especially at this time of the year – a time period dedicated to celebrating friends and family.

The CANEI program – an intervention program turning youth offenders into contributing members of society – continues to flourish, currently offering its services in eight cities in the US. This year it went international with a program in Morocco, and with efforts to expand to Tunisia and Palestine. Efforts are also continuing to bring the program to Los Angeles in 2014. LA, as you may know, is the gang Mecca and can hugely benefit from this program. While the politics are daunting, much progress has been made in 2013, and my conviction is that 2014 will be the year this program will launch in LA. Send prayers!

In 2013, I accepted the position of President of Child Safety Network (, a 25-year nonprofit started by my good friend and a lifelong child advocate Ward Leber. Having been working in this field for the last 18 years, I have met many good people and been privy to programs that address issues for kids. At CSN, I can now collaborate with programs I have founded plus other national and international programs to make sure our children are safe. Many initiatives are already in progress to create a National Center for Child Safety and Parenting. The singular goal is to make this world a safe place for children so they can grow and thrive. If you are involved with organizations that address children and youth issues and want to be part of the network, please e-mail me the details of your organization and programs.

Throughout the year, my speaking and workshops also kept me on a busy schedule. This year I gave over 50 appearances and keynotes, which included a presentation to the High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace at the United Nations (Link HERE) plus many other memorable talks. In addition, I did several more Train the Trainer Forgiveness Workshops and have worked with individuals, couples and intact management teams to transform conflict into unity. The calling here is to create more forgiveness in the world so we can have more peace in the world. More information is available on my website. A major other accomplishment was to get a new website competed, so please be sure to visit and enjoy the new website.

Looking back at the last 19 years. I am blessed to be on my spiritual path. I have received much fulfillment and feel very rewarded in doing this work. I’m in deep gratitude for many: to Tariq, my daughter Tasreen, my entire extended family, the Universe, my teams at TKF, CSN, ANK, CANEI and most importantly to you … who so generously continue to support this work. None of this would have been possible without your support.

My special prayers at this auspicious time for a joyous, healthy, happy, prosperous and a blessed holiday season. And for another great year 2014 for you and your loved ones.

Many Blessings,

Azim N. Khamisa

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Azim Khamisa

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