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Question of the Month: Do You Offer One-on-One Sessions?


 Do you facilitate one-on-one sessions for those challenged with resentment about something that happened in the past?



Yes I have held one-on-one sessions as well as counseled couples and management teams. Each one receives a custom approach. Many of us are dealing with challenges in our lives such as breakups, management disputes, business failures, takeovers, disagreements, communication breakdowns, divorce, inheritance battles, death, suicide and a myriad of other issues. Some are more serious than others, and the severity will help design the session. When such issues are not broached, this can lead to anger, resentment or guilt. These negative and highly debilitating occurrences – if left unchecked – can often lead to depression, illness and unbearable grief.

My experience is that these “bardo” – deeply painful and transformational – moments are in fact an opportunity. There is gold bullion in every hit one takes in life. To discover the bullion, one needs to develop a strong spiritual resiliency. Everything that happens to us we attract – because these events are the Universe’s way to get us on our spiritual path with a spiritual purpose.

The Secrets of the Bulletproof Spirit (Link HERE) – coauthored with Jillian Quinn – has 30 secrets that help with many of life’s challenges. In my work I have seen that these difficult and debilitating states of despair and hopelessness can be transformed into a more fulfilling life of meaning, purpose and prosperity. I’m happy to know those who have gone through my one-on-one sessions or workshops have achieved a breakthrough transformation in some form.

The work that is done in these workshops and sessions is done at a “soulular” level. This is beyond cognitive and emotional work. Once you shift at the soulular level, this transformation sustains over time, and you arrive on higher ground with new understanding and increased spiritual resiliency.

To find more information about such sessions, contact Jennifer at for a custom solution to your tough challenges!

Azim Khamisa

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