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Question of the Month: What Gave Me the Most Hope at PoWR?

What gave me the most hope at PoWR was the incredible brotherhood and sisterhood of different nationalities, races, religions, and genders, coming together in support and love of each other. How can we duplicate that outside of PoWR?

One way to come together and magnify our unified goal of peacebuilding is to support the work done by many organizations and non-profits who are working for world peace. I have dedicated my life to doing this with children and youth through TKF — and it is my hope that this vision of sevā (selfless service) inspires you to go the extra mile. That is what it is going to take from all of us if we are to save our world and make it a better one for our children and grandchildren.

In this process, it will help you live with meaning, fulfillment, peace, and flow. That has been my gift which continues to fuel my passion and work. It can be your gift as well!

Besides TKF, which actively promotes peace and unity among youth, here are some other great organizations to follow and support (check Guidestar before supporting anything new):

(1) In every major city there is a United Nations Association – UNA supports the UN and is worthy of support.

(2) Search for Common Ground – seeks common ground in international conflicts. They honored Ples and me, along with Desmond Tutu and Ted Koppell many years ago.

(3) Children’s Defense Fund led by my friend Marion Wright Edelmann. They do amazing work for children youth and accept no government funding and promote legislation that supports young people and fight those that don’t. She is and continues to be my role model.

(4) The Peace Alliance – originally co-founded by my friend Marianne Williamson (now running for President) wants to create a Department of Peace at the Federal Level with 1% of the Defense budget which stands at $800B – 1% would give DOP $8B a year – that could change the world!

Also, there are many other smaller organizations working for peace in the USA. There are many that are working for world peace including Peace Through Forgiveness – my newest venture. Stay tuned, our website should be ready soon!


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