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Musings: Time to Live in the Glow

Here we are in March, the month that carries the advent of Spring and the Muslim New Year (March 21). On a personal level, March also holds much significance because, had he lived, my son would have turned 40 on March 6. Most likely he would have been a father of his own children as he loved kids and had planned to have five!

Of course life took another turn, and instead Tariq has touched millions of kids in the last 19 years in the work done through the Tariq Khamisa Foundation. Tariq always wanted to do something big and significant … and alas now he has. As someone once said, “Tariq touched more lives in his 20 years than most do in a lifetime.” We do honor you Tariq; happy birthday my dear son. Know your spirit lives in earnest and will forever continue to touch many more children and youth.

Tariq as young man being hugged
by friend Trina Thomas

Because of this significant milestone, much contemplation has gone into this important birthday and the significance of the journey over the last 19 years. A choice to forgive Tariq’s killer instead of seek revenge has had its impact. We’ve seen the birth of two nonprofit organizations, the publishing of four books, the implementation of over 500 keynotes, 1000 school presentations, and dozens of forgiveness workshops as well as worldwide impact that has touched millions of lives … young and old.

I never thought all this would happen 19 years ago when I made the decision to forgive.

However, even with all this growth on the community and societal level, the most personal growth has been what I have been able to gain. And I must say that the growth has been mainly in the spiritual realm. This has been a huge gift. I have learned some things that I deeply wish to share with you all. I believe the application of these lessons will lead you all to a very happy place. And with happy people, we will have a happy world!

Every emotion has a vibratory quality. Judgment, greed, avarice, jealousy, anger, resentment, hatred, gossip are very low vibratory emotions. HAPPINESS DOES NOT LIVE THERE. Likewise, there are high vibratory emotions such as goodwill, friendship, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, love and kindness – HAPPINESS LIVES HERE. While enlightened human beings, like His Holiness Dalai Lama, live in these high vibratory emotions 24/7, it is hard for us mere mortals to do that.

I have found when I do live in the high vibratory emotions, my days are more in the flow of life. I am happy and peaceful and connected to the universe. I understand how important it is to pursue living here 24/7 to achieve everlasting peace and happiness.

Now, I must admit I did not live in this state when Tariq was alive. Living in the investment banking world, I was constantly in the materialistic mode in the relentless pursuit of the almighty $$$. I now am clear that happiness is a spiritual concept NOT a material concept. So living in these high vibratory emotions will provide more time in the flow. It is a habit that can be cultivated. It is important to realize where you are at any given moment emotionally – in a high or low vibration. Once you develop this awareness and constantly spend more time in the high vibratory emotions you will notice your life will be in the flow, enjoying more days of peace and happiness.

So what do you do when you have a bad hair day, get angry or fall off the wagon into a low vibratory state? Yes that will happen. Though it has reduced over time, it does happen to me. When it happens with me, I add 30 minutes of meditation to my 2-hour practice. This helps me get back to the higher vibrations. Sometimes – based on the issue that is arising – it can take a couple of days to get back on the high-vibratory wagon. The very act of falling off the wagon and then getting back on helps build inner resilience, helping you to ultimately spend more and more time in the high vibratory state. The real gift is the opportunity to spend more time where you truly wish to be.

Through your practice of creating a habit of remaining at a high state of being, you will receive so many gifts and blessings. When you forgive the big stuff, you don’t sweat the small stuff. If someone crosses me on the freeway I don’t flip the finger. Instead I rotate my hand around and send a blessing. Remember there are many opportunities every day to practice being in the high vibratory state. Start with empathy and gratitude, not just for those in your life, but for you as well. Don’t forget; you are a blessing and a miracle!

My best wishes and prayers to all of you wonderful souls and friends. May you seek and find happiness and peace … and always be in the flow and glow of life.

Many Blessings,

Azim N. Khamisa

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Azim Khamisa

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