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Question of the Month: What is the Progress in Learning About “Sustainable Relationships?”


 How is your process of learning about the “sustainable relationships?”


There has been much growth around the topic of sustainable relationships. Relationships by their nature are challenging and difficult. But they are necessary for our growth as evidenced by Dawn and Ed’s sharing. Over half of relationships break up. In these situations, the intended growth did not happen!

There is this tendency to look at relationships and find fault with the other person. Often we are focused very much on our own needs. As well we find that we are  challenged by the very same behaviors in others that mirror our own. As a single man, I do realize that I have not been very effective in my past relationships. The growth that I am personally looking at is one of “surrender.” Surrendering to the Higher Power and living in love and compassion in every situation is the goal. Hard as it may seem for me, this kind of humility is possible to develop.

Recently I read in the Daily Word the following quote from the scriptures: “The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality.” James 3:1. Undoubtedly a tall order – for me too. Even so, I can honestly say in the last year I have made progress in this direction and learning each day to practice surrendering to the Higher Power for wisdom, clarity and growth.

Azim Khamisa

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