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Beyond writing books and giving presentations, Azim loves to stay committed to his work as a writer. Every month he publishes a newsletter in which he follows his “Musings” and answers a Question of the Month.  The topics range from his expertise in peacebuilding and forgiveness to seasonal topics such as New Year’s mission statements to the rebirth of spring, leadership near elections, gratitude in the fall and more. Here you can find the archive of his newsletters for your reading enjoyment.

Subscribe to the newsletter HERE to get them delivered to you in real-time along with pertinent information like upcoming events, new media podcasts as they broadcast and other important updates. The official newsletter releases every second Tuesday of the month, so with this subscription, you will receive only one newsletter and your email address is kept completely confidential. Thank you for the continued support!

If you have a topic that you like to read Azim’s “Musings” about or a suggestion for our Question of the Month, please contact the newsletter  admin using the form below with your ideas and requests.

Question of the Month: Can You Change the Way You View Challenges?

By teamazim / July 14, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: Can You Change the Way You View Challenges?

Can You Change the Way You View Challenges? Below is a letter from a school student who heard me present. The message and true transformation I embody helped her to change and reframe her challenges to the point that she set her life on a new trajectory as a result. if she can achieve this,…

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Monthly Musing: Reframing Hardships

By teamazim / July 14, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Reframing Hardships

With a heavy heart, I write my monthly newsletter to you, having heard the news of more senseless killings and other devasting challenges in societies around the globe. I hope that this musing plants a seed in your mind and soul to rise above the debilitating emotions of anger, resentment, and despair and inspires you to…

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Question of the Month: What Action Can We Take to Thwart Future Gun Violence Events?

By teamazim / June 16, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: What Action Can We Take to Thwart Future Gun Violence Events?

We have over 400 million guns for 320 million inhabitants. Access to guns is easy even for young people. While I wish we could outlaw automatic weapons like AK 15 and the Midnight Special easily acquired in every community immediately – that may prove difficult in our culture because of the 2nd Amendment and the…

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Monthly Musing: The Tragedy of Inaction

By teamazim / June 16, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: The Tragedy of Inaction

The seasons continue to change and many bright opportunities rest on the horizon of our lives now that some of the stress around the pandemic has lifted. I, for one, have been excited to return to in-person events and keynotes in 2022. However, we are now not only navigating a new world of health protocols but…

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Question of the Month: Why Focus on Forgiveness at Your Event?

By teamazim / May 27, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: Why Focus on Forgiveness at Your Event?

Having traveled the world speaking and doing workshops and interviews over the last 25+ years in the realm of forgiveness, I see that most people are either holding resentment about what has happened to them or experiencing guilt about what they have done to another. We cannot be mired in either of these two places…

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Monthly Musing: Leadership for the Greater Good

By teamazim / May 27, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Leadership for the Greater Good

Spring has sprung in Southern California, and although the season of renewal is in blossom for many of us, there are aspects of modern life that could easily bring heaviness to our hearts. As we grapple with the war in Ukraine and the societal pressures to address diversity, equity, and inclusion many organizations, individuals, and…

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Question of the Month: How Do You Learn to Open Your Heart for Forgiveness?

By teamazim / April 18, 2022 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: How Do You Learn to Open Your Heart for Forgiveness?

Judging requires a closed heart while forgiveness requires an open heart. Anger, resentment, and guilt reside in a closed heart. Joy, love, and peace live in an open heart. We get to make the choice. I work hard at always living with an open heart–as one of the participants, Libby, in my last online masterclass reminded…

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Monthly Musing: The Choice Between Forgiveness and Judgement

By teamazim / April 18, 2022 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: The Choice Between Forgiveness and Judgement

As Easter approaches so does the time for reflection on resurrecting a new life and era. The central message of Christ’s tragic crucifixion and the aftermath in his words inspire us to move forward. “Father forgive them as they do not know what they are doing” continues to resonate loudly during this time of year…

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Tariq’s Philosophy of Life

By teamazim / March 10, 2022 / Comments Off on Tariq’s Philosophy of Life

(Written by Tariq Khamisa in 1992 -while high school) I have many aphorisms that I base my life on. Out of them, I have picked six, which I feel highlight my morals and self-worth best. My first aphorism that I live by is “Hang in there when the odds are against you.” I feel that this quote has helped me a lot…

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A Tribute to Tariq

By teamazim / March 10, 2022 / Comments Off on A Tribute to Tariq

Last Sunday, March 6th, was Tariq’s birthday–he would have been 48 years old married with children. Tariq loved children and children loved him. January 21st, 2022 was the 28th anniversary of his tragic death—he died at the young age of 20. He always wanted to do something big, and in his tragic passing, he has…

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