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Beyond writing books and giving presentations, Azim loves to stay committed to his work as a writer. Every month he publishes a newsletter in which he follows his “Musings” and answers a Question of the Month.  The topics range from his expertise in peacebuilding and forgiveness to seasonal topics such as New Year’s mission statements to the rebirth of spring, leadership near elections, gratitude in the fall and more. Here you can find the archive of his newsletters for your reading enjoyment.

Subscribe to the newsletter HERE to get them delivered to you in real-time along with pertinent information like upcoming events, new media podcasts as they broadcast and other important updates. The official newsletter releases every second Tuesday of the month, so with this subscription, you will receive only one newsletter and your email address is kept completely confidential. Thank you for the continued support!

If you have a topic that you like to read Azim’s “Musings” about or a suggestion for our Question of the Month, please contact the newsletter  admin using the form below with your ideas and requests.

How is Forgiveness an Act of Self-Love and Self-Care?

By teamazim / March 6, 2022 / Comments Off on How is Forgiveness an Act of Self-Love and Self-Care?

Forgiveness is highly misunderstood. Forgiving someone for the harm that they have caused does NOT condone the behavior; it is an act of self-care in that it frees YOU from the anger, blame, and resentment that you are carrying because of someone else’s actions. It frees your mind and heart to feel and experience immense…

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The Power of Forgiveness: 3 Real-Life Stories That Could Be Yours

By teamazim / March 6, 2022 / Comments Off on The Power of Forgiveness: 3 Real-Life Stories That Could Be Yours

Transformation Story #1: Between Two Brothers The younger of two brothers attended my workshop, full of anger and resentment towards his older brother that had been caught stealing after he had hired him in his business. Learning the steps of forgiveness, I emphasized that “relationships are more important than money. Money can be re-earned, but a broken…

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How Do You Turbo-Charge Your Sense of Purpose?

By teamazim / January 14, 2022 / Comments Off on How Do You Turbo-Charge Your Sense of Purpose?

How Do You Turbo-Charge Your Sense of Purpose? As you build your resolutions and life’s mission be sure to also include time to focus on service. Serving others to create a better world for our children and future generations is one of the most rewarding actions and goals we can undertake for it benefits everyone…

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Evolve Your Approach to Manifesting a Purpose-Filled, Life-Changing Year

By teamazim / January 14, 2022 / Comments Off on Evolve Your Approach to Manifesting a Purpose-Filled, Life-Changing Year

Research shows that less than 8% of people fulfill their new year’s resolutions even though millions of us set goals for a better life as the new year begins. If you fall in the 8%, celebrate the wins! If like me, you do not—maybe a different approach might be worthy of consideration. They say that it…

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How Else Can You Improve Your Spiritual Hygiene?

By teamazim / November 12, 2021 / Comments Off on How Else Can You Improve Your Spiritual Hygiene?

In a time that is marked by historical division and unparalleled challenges worldwide, we have a great opportunity to be the change that is so much needed in the world. As many have suggested in response to current affairs, the best way to create change is from the inside out. Whether you are working on…

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Understanding Spiritual Hygiene

By teamazim / November 12, 2021 / Comments Off on Understanding Spiritual Hygiene

As we come to the close of 2021, I’ve been reflecting on what has helped me navigate the toughest couple of years we have all been challenged by. The short answer is “spiritual hygiene.” In my life, I have met many spiritually resilient people, and they, for the most part, are also in better physical,…

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Question of the Month: How Do You Discover Your Soulular Nature and Your Spiritual Strength

By teamazim / October 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: How Do You Discover Your Soulular Nature and Your Spiritual Strength

I often get asked how I had the strength and faith to forgive what many people perceive to be an unforgivable offense. People have often said that they admire my choice to forgive my son’s killer but that they would not have been strong enough to do so themselves. The truth is, everyone is strong enough…

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Monthly Musing: Strong in Spirit: a Soulular Discovery

By teamazim / October 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Strong in Spirit: a Soulular Discovery

Do you want to know my secret to spiritual resilience? It starts with the belief that you are born and equipped with strong intuitive capabilities and that the cell level of your soul is unbelievably resilient. What I discovered on my journey through life is that you get challenges that your intellect will not be…

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Question of the Month: How Do You Become a Clear Channel? What is “Soulular Methodology” of Connecting with God/Higher Self?

By teamazim / September 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: How Do You Become a Clear Channel? What is “Soulular Methodology” of Connecting with God/Higher Self?

The one lesson I have learned is we are all intuitives. We are constantly being supported by our inner guidance and our higher power. What does this really mean and how do we know that the guidance we receive is indeed from a benevolent, loving higher power? Here is how I see it—there are two selves…

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Monthly Musing: Say YES to Your Adventure

By teamazim / September 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Say YES to Your Adventure

Often, people feel the need for someone else to come in and “save” them from their hardship. Instead, this musing explores re-framing this concept to make yourself the hero in your story and provides tips for saying a hearty YES to the challenge. If you want to be spiritually bulletproof, you need to believe that you…

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