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Beyond writing books and giving presentations, Azim loves to stay committed to his work as a writer. Every month he publishes a newsletter in which he follows his “Musings” and answers a Question of the Month.  The topics range from his expertise in peacebuilding and forgiveness to seasonal topics such as New Year’s mission statements to the rebirth of spring, leadership near elections, gratitude in the fall and more. Here you can find the archive of his newsletters for your reading enjoyment.

Subscribe to the newsletter HERE to get them delivered to you in real-time along with pertinent information like upcoming events, new media podcasts as they broadcast and other important updates. The official newsletter releases every second Tuesday of the month, so with this subscription, you will receive only one newsletter and your email address is kept completely confidential. Thank you for the continued support!

If you have a topic that you like to read Azim’s “Musings” about or a suggestion for our Question of the Month, please contact the newsletter  admin using the form below with your ideas and requests.

Question of the Month: What Did you Get Out of Azim’s Forgiveness Workshop?

By teamazim / March 10, 2021 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: What Did you Get Out of Azim’s Forgiveness Workshop?

“I’m glad I was receptive to the overture to attend this seminar. Azim’s power is both in his message and how his approach has helped him come to terms with the terrible tragedy he suffered. On reflection, I’m startled at how little there seems to be about the path to forgiveness. Yet when we hold…

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Monthly Musing: The Benefits of Forgiveness

By teamazim / March 10, 2021 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: The Benefits of Forgiveness

Happy March! I am elated to share with you that my spring virtual conference is just a few weeks away and we still have space for you. This month’s newsletter looks at the less talked about behind-the-scenes testimonials and magic that manifests because of the practice of forgiveness. Over the years of doing this work, I have…

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Question of the Month: How Do You Stregthen Your Spiritual Resiliency?

By teamazim / February 25, 2021 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: How Do You Stregthen Your Spiritual Resiliency?

One opportunity to make a quantum leap in developing your resiliency muscle is to join me in the upcoming 4-day Master Series in March. This virtual conference is more than meets the eye. As a forgiveness master and a thought leader. I have been offering in-person workshops on this material for 25 years and have perfected a “peace formula.”…

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Monthly Musing: Resilience Vs. Fragility

By teamazim / February 25, 2021 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: Resilience Vs. Fragility

As we acclimate to the new year, with many changes and unknowns still ahead, it is important that we continue our journey towards further developing our resiliency muscle. We all have had to navigate the last twelve months (and counting!), and as a result, have become resilient in the face of some very difficult times…

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Question of the Month: How Do You Discover Your Purpose?

By teamazim / January 16, 2021 / Comments Off on Question of the Month: How Do You Discover Your Purpose?

The Universe is constantly nudging you towards your spiritual purpose. Some refer to it as a “calling” or a “passion,” but the unifying quality is that it enriches and enlivens your soul and comes from a place deep within you. Sometimes the nudge is joyous and sometimes it is devastatingly tragic – as was my…

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Monthly Musing: 2021 – The Year of Hope, Service, and Purpose

By teamazim / January 16, 2021 / Comments Off on Monthly Musing: 2021 – The Year of Hope, Service, and Purpose

Having negotiated a difficult 2020, it is essential to start 2021 with a different attitude. An attitude of HOPE. Hope for a better world – one that is inclusive, compassionate, and in service of each other and humanity as a whole. One of the single and most profound attributes of America is that it is…

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Question of the Month: How Do You Step into Purpose From Tragedy?

By teamazim / December 13, 2020 /

How Do You Step into Purpose From Tragedy? My personal story of losing my son to a senseless murder and the resulting path that my life has followed is one I have shared in my musings (archived on my website here) many times. My TedTalk is about the shift from a place of loss and suffering into a state…

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Monthly Musing: Do Tragedies Spawn Purpose?

By teamazim / December 13, 2020 /

As 2020 closes, I am reminded of the adage, “the Lord works in mysterious ways.” COVID has struck some 65 million people around the globe and claimed 1.5 million deaths. This is a tragedy, and many of the deaths were frontline workers who cared unselfishly for infected patients. My heart goes out to the many…

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Question of the Month: What are the 3 Attributes of Leaders for the Greater Good?

By teamazim / November 12, 2020 /

My leadership model posits that today’s leaders will need equal competencies in three different disciplines: 1) Competency in their chosen fields, whether in engineering, law, medicine, business, architecture, education, nonprofit work, justice, government, mothers and fathers, citizens, and other fields of endeavors that make our global society and economy work. We must strive to create…

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Monthly Musing: Leadership for the Greater Good

By teamazim / November 12, 2020 /

As we get settled into a new chapter in American history (with a record turnout of voters!) it is important to look at the new kind of leaders we need to heal and unify our very divided and fragmented country. Obviously, the election was a roller-coaster of emotions for most of us. Some of us…

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